Due to ongoing debates about the use and misuse of the “German Support” category to the detriment of users who don’t speak German, the creation of new topics on the category has been closed. Thus, this category is now read-only.

Empfehlung Tür/Fenster Sensoren?

Vielen Dank für die Bilder, das probiere ich gleich mal aus.

Revo hat das Kabel ja an die bestehende Antenne angelötet dessen genaue Länge (ausgerollt) ja nicht bekannt ist. Nach meinem Verständnis sollte die Gesamtlänge ja 17,2 cm sein.

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Questions about the release of v0.9

Inpossible to install dependency "SQLITE3"

@woodhouse can you open the wiki without access data?! i get this popup? 0_1655746259337_acf5348b-6a73-48d9-8816-4ec91b04a208-image.png

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Questions about the Forum and Pimatic.org
Can I change the font style of the game caption?

This Community are very awesome and people are very helpful so I was thinking that is to ask a question here about game caption fonts style I see the designing Font style on Fonts Monster website I which I see the very interesting font style please tell me about this if anyone knows about this and proper guide me about this

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any trouble with your setup, linux, pi etc.
Api Pimatic down?

@sweetpi Thank you for your efforts and all the time you put into this project. pimatic has brought me a lot of joy for the past 12 years. I’m waiting for a raspi with more computing power, when these are available again I will unfortunately have to say goodbye to this beautiful application for my mysensors and everything I’ve made around it. Frank (NL)

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