@hanswurst23 Just paste this in your config or page editor: ★
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Today I added a pulse sensor, made with an arduino pro mini and a nrf.
i am very interested in your energy sensor. can you tell me/us more about it?
maybe as separate threat at the hardware forum?pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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Its based on the mysensors pulse sketch. Since today we removed the power line from the street completely. Its replaced by a cable coming from our workbuilding(?), there we have 9kw of solar panels.
So i placed a 3phase kwh meter at home. This meter send out a pulse for every 1,25W on 5V, so very easy to read.
I can write a how-to if more people are interested. But i still have to find a way how i can get graphs that shows the power usage of every day, week, month
ah ok i understand!
for me it’s of no use, since i have other hardware/e-meters installedi am still up to realize my power sensor i was thinking of at this thread here :
http://forum.pimatic.org/topic/185/need-some-help-information-on-ac-current-sensorpimatic v0.9 has been released!
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Hello everyone,
I would like to share my garden automation system based on Opensprinkler and Pimatic open source system
Garden & Home automation based on Raspberry PI and Arduino boards
Wow, nice work!
Thats a really nice project. What wireless protocol do you use? 433mhz or something like the NRF24?
@David-Hrbaty Very nice project. Thanks for sharing. It would be really great learn more about your project and how you have integrated it with Pimatic.
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
@mwittig said:
would be really great learn more about your project and how you have integrated it with Pimatic.
fully agreed
but please open a new threat for this at the hardware section of the forum. thx !
maybe we should think of a sub forum called projects for such great tinkering ?pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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Currently I am using a custom frontend which connects to the socket.io API of pimatic.
The frontend isn’t generated on the fly (meaning I added the buttons manually), but the states of each button are loaded instantly because of socket.io’s awesomeness.
(And of course Pimatic’s own awesomeness)
First column takes care of the lights (pimatic-homeduino), second column controls Wake-On-lan of computers (pimatic-ping, pimatic-shellexecute) and the location of my phone via pimatic-location (awesome!). Last column has pimatic-openweather in it.
Second row first column has 2 more pimatic-homeduino switches, second column takes webcam pictures as a security measure and stores them in gallery that can be opened from second button (until i have the decency to purchase a real IP camera)(pimatic-shell-execute). The last one controls my “home security”, which has 3 pimatic-homeduino contact switches in doors and windows. Button toggles it on/off, green/red notify message whether its on/off. Last panel has the information when my door has been opened.
Ask if you need help with making your own.
very nice! is it complicated to create? are there any advanced programming skills required? maybe you could work out a little tutorial if possible?
pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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@leader21 My version of this is rather easy to create. Almost copy paste, but takes some time for the user to do
I am a beginner in Javascript, so some of my choices in the script might be stupid. But it works, so it doesn’t matter that much.The only part that might break the configuration is adding new things (meaning the api ID of each device might change). But overall it’s easy to fix.
I will try and come up with a tutorial of some sort.
Hey guys,
Currently designing a dashboard for myself and exploring some alternate versions.
Would you hang the left iPad on the wall or the Right one.
I like the left one.
If possible could you please design a minimal & dark version to combine it with the magic mirror project:
http://michaelteeuw.nl/post/84026273526/and-there-it-is-the-end-result-of-the-magicI would like to use a cheap android tablet and a mirror foil to realize it.
@dk00000 Actually, those ‘minimal versions’ were also a part of my exploration.
They are still a WIP but I’ll post them anyway:
These are some awesome GUIs!
I like the right one more, but think it looks better with the color scheme of the left one. -
Hallo für mein Tablet das Zentral im Wohnbereich hängt nutze ich die NetioApp.
Hello my tablet the Central hangs in the living area, I use the NetioApp -
@karl78 It looks fantastic. I will try it tommorow. Is there a demo of this app? Because it is expensive with 8€.
Schaut sehr gut aus. Ich probiere es morgen mal aus. Gibt es eine Demo der App? Ist nicht gerade günstig mit 8 €.
bei mir war es damals billiger, glaub ich. ca 2 Jahre her. Ob es ne demo gibt weis ich nicht. sagen wir mal so, fals du sie wirklich produktiv nutzen willst ist es die 8 euro wert. mann kann auch seine eigenen icons bzw. hintergünde miteinbringen (floorplan). was mir am besten gefällt ist das man seine buttons, switch usw. (farbe, größe, rahmen …) genau anpassen kann. fals jemand lust hat bitte auf englisch übersetzten. bin aus bayern und tu mich mit dem deutsch schon schwer