Hey guys!
I need some help and hope one of you knows something about this device here :
What I want to do with it : I want to measure the actual energy consumption for my house in Watt.
For that I was thinking to install these devices at the main energy cords down at my electric control enclosure down at the basement.
The background is, that i’m having a photovoltaic generator on my roof that’s producing a lot of energy. But sometimes when it’s cloudy or at the winter times, there’s not enough power to cover my own consumption. Then it’s important to know what energy is produced by the generator (no problem, i have a logfile with actual data) and how much energy is beeing consumed in total.
If there’s 3000 watt in production and 1500 watt in consumption i can switch on the dishwasher or another consumer without the need of buying expensive energy from my local energy vendor.
If theres not enough energy in production and I want to use other electrical devices I can postpone to switch them on when I am able to see the actual consumption in Watt is high and production is low.
Now the main question, is it possible to connect these current sensors to the pi and read/calculate the consumption data with it?
I guess it should be of no problem, but before buying these i want to be sure (since i need three of them for the three main phases to be monitored then)
Hope this is somehow understandable