I need some help!
I have build up a nice Node (ATtiny 84A with a DHT22 & 433MHz TX).
It sends temp / hum & voltage. I have modified the weather2 prookoll, so that I can receive the three values. My problem is, that I have to name the voltage “avgAirspeed” to get it in the pimatic. I tried to use the generic Protokoll, but without success. This is my actual protocoll:

module.exports = function(helper) {
var protocolInfo, pulsesToBinaryMapping;
pulsesToBinaryMapping = {
‘0’: ‘1’,
‘1’: ‘0’,
‘2’: ‘’
return protocolInfo = {
name: ‘weather2’,
type: ‘weather’,
values: {
temperature: {
type: “number”
humidity: {
type: “number”
battery: {
type: “number”
avgAirspeed: {
type: “number”
channel: {
type: “number”
id: {
type: “number”
brands: [“MyTiny OOK”],
pulseLengths: [1000, 2024, 18644],
pulseCount: 40,
decodePulses: function(pulses) {
var binary, result,volt, battery, maxv, minv;
binary = helper.map(pulses, pulsesToBinaryMapping);
volt = helper.binaryToNumber(binary, 29, 37) ;
maxv = 500;
minv = 300;
battery = ((volt-minv)/(maxv-minv))*100;
return result = {
id: helper.binaryToNumber(binary, 4, 7),
channel: helper.binaryToNumber(binary, 8, 9) + 1,
humidity: helper.binaryToNumber(binary, 13, 19),
temperature: helper.binaryToNumber(binary, 20, 28) / 10,
battery: battery,
avgAirspeed: volt/100

any suggestions to get the voltage in the right dimension???
