since one week I just try to do a simple pimatic installation on my new raspi 3B+.
I exactly follow the instructions from the wiki to install pimatic 0.9 from scratch.
So I deleted the node Version, install the new version 4.6.2, later i tried 4.8.2. When I’m going to start I get
**pi@raspberrypi:~/pimatic-app $ sudo node_modules/pimatic/pimatic.js
20:17:43.621 2019-01-26 Saturday
let val = process.env[key];
SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode**
In this forum I could read a lot of solutions for problems according node version. But nothing of these seemed to be the solution for my installation.
here some information’s about my installation:
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
Linux raspberrypi 4.14.79-v7+ #1159 SMP Sun Nov 4 17:50:20 GMT 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux
So at this time i have no further idea what i shall change. Perhaps you will have some hints for me.
Thanks a lot in advance