What I have discovered for now.
Direct interaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3QMKk45eJE (tested, working)
Nice Android app with Automate, SMS, MQTT and IFTTT support: http://clubapk.com/Download_JG-iTag-Alarm_APK-free-for-android.html
I’m testing now various MQTT BLE gateways, for example: https://github.com/shmuelzon/ble2mqtt and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBYCG-ypvRY
iTag - Cheap BLE Device
Pimatic = Smart Home
there are some nice itag/bluetooth buttons on aliexpress
pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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Hi! Did anyone made the iTags work? If not I’m diving into it. Some commands mentioned in the video gave some promising results.
@rrooggiieerr said in iTag - Cheap BLE Device:
Hi! Did anyone made the iTags work? If not I’m diving into it. Some commands mentioned in the video gave some promising results.
Hi, yes. With this Gateway iTag working like Pimatic button device.
Rule for scan and subscribe:
{ "id": "itag-sub", "name": "iTag sub", "rule": "when pimatic is starting then publish mqtt message \"\" on topic \"home/MQTTtoBLE/command/scan\" and after 20 seconds publish mqtt message \"\" on topic \"home/MQTTtoBLE/command/FF:FF:50:01:7B:30/subscribe/0000ffe1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb\"", "active": true, "logging": true }
Button device:
{ "buttons": [ { "id": "itag", "text": "itag", "topic": "home/MQTTtoBLE/device/FF:FF:50:01:7B:30/notify/0xe", "message": "01", "stateTopic": "home/MQTTtoBLE/device/FF:FF:50:01:7B:30/notify/0xe" } ], "id": "itag", "name": "iTag", "class": "MqttButtons" }
Pimatic = Smart Home
I now have the iTag working als a BLE device with Pimatic, so without an mqtt gateway.
See this thread: https://forum.pimatic.org/topic/3925/bluetooth-and-ble-status