@magic-tune Hereby the debug. This debugging is made in Pimatic 8.x (I’ve made a workaround on a second Pi to control Pimatic 9.) If there’s a difference debugging between version 8 and 9, I hope @mwittig can send you his debugging.
debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 492, 1944, 4504, 9508 ] 0201020101020102020101020101010101020101010102020102020103
10:40:47debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 492 4504 1944 9508 0 0 0 0 0102010202010201010202010202020202010202020201010201010203"
10:40:47debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 492, 1940, 4504, 9500 ] 0201020101020102020101020101010101020101010102020102020103
10:40:47debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 492 4504 1940 9500 0 0 0 0 0102010202010201010202010202020202010202020201010201010203"
10:40:46debug [pimatic-homeduino]: contact1: { id: 18166510, all: false, contact: false, unit: 9 }
10:40:46debug [pimatic-homeduino]: pir5: { id: 18166510, all: false, presence: true, unit: 9 }
10:40:46debug [pimatic-homeduino]: dimmer1: { id: 18166510, all: false, unit: 9, dimlevel: 7, state: true }
10:40:46debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 264, 1316, 2684, 10356 ] 0200010100000100010001010000010100000101000001000101000100000100010100000101000100010000010100010001000001000101000100000100010100000101000100010003
10:40:46debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 264 2684 1316 10356 0 0 0 0 0100020200000200020002020000020200000202000002000202000200000200020200000202000200020000020200020002000002000202000200000200020200000202000200020003"
10:40:46debug [pimatic-homeduino]: contact1: { id: 18166510, all: false, contact: false, unit: 9 }
10:40:46debug [pimatic-homeduino]: pir5: { id: 18166510, all: false, presence: true, unit: 9 }
10:40:46debug [pimatic-homeduino]: dimmer1: { id: 18166510, all: false, unit: 9, dimlevel: 7, state: true }
10:40:46debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 168, 264, 376, 1320, 2696, 10372 ] 1411131311111311131113131111131311111313111113111313111311111311131311111313111311131111131311131113111113120313111311111311131311111313111311131115
10:40:46debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 264 2696 1320 376 168 10372 0 0 0100020200000200020002020000020200000202000002000202000200000200020200000202000200020000020200020002000002034202000200000200020200000202000200020005"
10:40:45debug [pimatic-homeduino]: contact1: { id: 18166510, all: false, contact: false, unit: 9 }
10:40:45debug [pimatic-homeduino]: pir5: { id: 18166510, all: false, presence: true, unit: 9 }
10:40:45debug [pimatic-homeduino]: dimmer1: { id: 18166510, all: false, unit: 9, dimlevel: 7, state: true }
10:40:45debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 264, 1320, 2712, 10380 ] 0200010100000100010001010000010100000101000001000101000100000100010100000101000100010000010100010001000001000101000100000100010100000101000100010003
10:40:45debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 264 2712 1320 10380 0 0 0 0 0100020200000200020002020000020200000202000002000202000200000200020200000202000200020000020200020002000002000202000200000200020200000202000200020003"
10:40:43debug [pimatic-homeduino]: contact1: { id: 18166510, all: false, contact: true, unit: 9 }
10:40:43debug [pimatic-homeduino]: pir5: { id: 18166510, all: false, presence: false, unit: 9 }
10:40:43debug [pimatic-homeduino]: switch1: { id: 18166510, all: false, state: false, unit: 9 }
10:40:43debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 176, 264, 392, 1316, 2672, 10376 ] 141113131111131113111313111113131111131311111311131311131111131113131111131311131113111113131113111312011311131113131111131113131115
10:40:43debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 264 2672 1316 392 176 10376 0 0 010002020000020002000202000002020000020200000200020200020000020002020000020200020002000002020002000203400200020002020000020002020005"