i read out some data from logfile, this works, but the values are not showing in realtime, i have a smart energy meter so i read out the pulses, and it creates one line into the logfile. my pulse meter have a solution from 10000 pules /kWh. every time a pulse is noticed it writes to the logfile, but pimatic dont show these values in realtime.
is there any solution to get this in realtime?
i have added to log devices that reads data from one file, is it possible that the data to often be updated from smart meter and to often will be read by the logreader?
i need every pulse, to make all my calculation into pimatic. the pulses are also updatet sometimes in 8 sec. sometimes in 3. but in my logfile they willl bei updatet even faster depending on what energy iam using.
with this programm i readout the data from arduino.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)
while 1:
data = str(ser.readline())
f = open("/root/log/kWhmeter.log","w")
may i can set an intervall to the logreader device. but i could not find anything about that