I’m searching for a 433Mhz air pressure sensor? Has someone an idea?
[Searching]433Mhz air pressure sensor
I’m searching for a 433Mhz air pressure sensor? Has someone an idea?
You can create one yourself if your a bit handy. Very easy to make.
Pressure sensor: http://www.ebay.com/itm/161264265717?rmvSB=true
433mhz transmitter: http://www.ebay.com/itm/433Mhz-RF-transmitter-and-receiver-link-kit-for-Arduino-ARM-MCU-WL-/140719918135?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20c38f8c37 (throw the receiver away :P)
Arduino pro mini: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mini-ATMEAG328-3-3V-8Mhz-Replace-ATmega128-For-Arduino-Pro-Mini-Compatible-/221528768176?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item339424beb0
Or you can use ESP8266 WiFi chip. In this case you don’t need the sender/Arduino part
Esp surely is a great option but then you will have to use a psu instead of batteries I guess.
Isn’t there a mysensors with bmp180? But I’m not sure if it’s already implemented to the plugin.
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Yes, seems pressure is already integrated to pimatic-MySensors
Have a look here :
And here
Http:// www.mysensors.org
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Yes mysensors is the best way if you want to create more homemade sensors. But if you’re only gonna create one, 433mhz is easier.
You are right
And maybe you don’t need an arduino mini. Have seen some guys building pressure sensors with attiny85. But the costs are the same …
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