Just got the pimatic working with my sensors/actuator Now experimenting with rules.
For my shutters I would like to use the data of the openweather plugin.
But it does not update always, is this a known issue?
I set it to 300sec (5min), but it doesn’t update at all for 2,5 hours. Other times it updates every 5 minutes. You can also see sometime one of the items (i.e. Temperature) is not updates but others are.
I have enabled the debug option, but no logging is reported for the openweather. (Only homeduino and rules).
Any advice on how to debug this?
my devices:
"id": "weather",
"class": "OpenWeatherDevice",
"name": "Weather Wijchen",
"location": "Wijchen, Netherlands",
"units": "metric",
"lang": "en",
"timeout": 300000
"id": "forecast",
"class": "OpenWeatherForecastDevice",
"name": "Forecast 1 day for Wijchen",
"location": "Wijchen, Netherlands",
"units": "metric",
"lang": "en",
"timeout": 300000,
"day": 1
All latest updates (openweather 0.8.13, pimatic 0.8.73)