My pimatic is up and running since a couple of years.Meantime I installed some devices on mqtt base, most of them run successful. Since today I installed a moisture sensor, based on a esp8266 an tasmota.
The sensor works very well, but I think I made some mistakes by adding it to pimatic.
in mqttfx I find the sensor, the message looks like this:
Device : tele/FS/SENSOR
"Time" : "2021-05-27T23:10:08",
"ANALOG" : {
"A0" : 747
(both the same)
This looks very good. I get an information from the analog input of my esp with the actual value of 747. thats ok.
But in pimatic I only get the message: “unknown” and the info
ANALOG.A0: NaN @ 00:20:08GraphEdit Device
I configured in pimatic a mqtt device , mqttsensor with a device named ANALOG.A0
topic is /tele/FS/Sensor, type I tried numeric also as string. I compared serveral times all the things i know about this device, I do not see my mistake. Perhaps there is someone who can see the wrong thing.
thanks a lot in advance.