The bad request is gone. Thx! Testing is a bit hard at the moment, because the command runtimes are really long (2 min). I think this is caused by the backend. Almost no command gets executed.
The debug info is:
19:44:29.701 [pimatic-bluelink] debug:> "body": {
19:44:29.701 [pimatic-bluelink] debug:> "retCode": "F",
19:44:29.701 [pimatic-bluelink] debug:> "resCode": "5031",
19:44:29.701 [pimatic-bluelink] debug:> "resMsg": "Unavailable remote control - Service Temporary Unavailable",
19:44:29.701 [pimatic-bluelink] debug:> "msgId": "a4e8c37a-ef1f-4640-a060-0153a29da5d6"
19:44:29.701 [pimatic-bluelink] debug:> }
Will try later!