actually i have a project, to control the gpio pins from pimatic to another raspberry with motioneyeos via shell script. (toogle the ir filter on/off or the irled on/off).
if i log in via ssh to my pimaticsystem and use
ssh user@ipadress sh /data/.../iron.sh
i can change the gpiostate on my motioneyeos raspberry without using a password (because i create an ssh key).
but if i create a rule with
when Dummy Switch is turned on then execute "ssh user@ipadress sh /data/etc/iron.sh"
the following error appears:
rule dummy-switch-ir-ligth error executing an action: Error: Command failed: ssh user@ipadress sh /data/etc/iron.sh
Welcome to meye-XXXXXX!
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).
have anybody an idea?