Is there a way to get LoraWan data inside Pimatic?
Thanks in advance
Is there a way to get LoraWan data inside Pimatic?
Thanks in advance
Yes, I am new to Lora but I found out that it must be easy to use MQTT…
Because the bandwith with LoraWan is so limited, i went away from it.
I´m using Lora(without Wan) with MySensors and a WIFI Gateway wich speaks MQTT. So no problem for Pimatic…
Good for even some km`s with cheap hardware. No expensive Gateway, just an ESP32 with Lora.
I want to use it for a garagebox far away from my home without any powerline. Solar isn’t an option, it attracts the attention to valuable assets.
So I need a device that works a long time on batteries and can make a connection with somthing.
I can’t find any 4G devices that are capable of doing that (2G and 3G aren’t available anymore in a short time).
So therefore I thought of Lorawan that is exactly what I need…
I bought a lsd01 device and now I am trying to get it configured in the KPN Things network.
The network sees the device but I have some issies with it. When that is solved I can publish the data to a MQTT broker… and get the info (garagedoor open/closed) in Pimatic.