Hi again,
I now did the whole installation again, with a ‘nacked’ config.json
Afterwards Pimatic is able for beeing started and stopped by:
‘sudo node_modules/pimatic/pimatic.js [start/stop]’
The problems started after the globalization - sounds a bit for me as some other cases I know from real life
First after ‘npm install’ I got again 93 vulnerabilities and reduced them with ‘npm audit fix’ down to 45.
After that I got 43 vulnerabilities by ‘sudo npm link’. Here ‘npm audit fix’ wasn’t able to fix anything.
After that I did a reboot and ended up with the same issue as yesterday, resp. today noon:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo pimatic.js start
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo pimatic.js status
Pidfile exists, but process is dead.
So the issue comes definitely by making Pimatic globally with npm.
The logfile contains the same error as already posted below.
(The detailled ‘answers’ on the npm commands I could post here if meaningful)
A thought on basis of my poor Unix knowledge:
I understood npm comes along with the node installation!? As already said, I did the node installation not according to the procedure given in the Pimatic installation manual, but by:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs
I did that as I plan to run Pimatic and ioBroker (VIS) on the same Raspi (extra bought a PI4B 4GB for that) and I already made the experience, that ioBroker struggels with the Pimatic way of the node installation.
So what else can I do?
If nothing else comes up, I would then test to install node according to the Pimatic manual.