Hi all,
Quite new to Pimatic so go easy on me
Running on NodeJS 4.6.2 as per instructions.
The main reason I’ve set it up is to work with some Kaku switches and our doorbell, MQTT this and let Home Assistant handle it further.
However, I’m having problems getting the MQTT to work.
My MQTT config is as followed:
I’m now trying to make a rule on the doorbell device I created (homeduino):
"rules": [ { "id": "mqqt-doorbell", "rule": "when doorbell is open then publish mqtt message \"doorbell_going\" on topic \"pimatic/doorbell\" on broker default qos: 1 retain: true", "active": true, "logging": true, "name": "Doorbell mqtt" }
However, I keep getting this error from Pimatic:
[pimatic] error: Could not find an provider that provides the next action of "publish mqtt message "doorbell_going" on topic "pimatic/doorbell" on broker default qos: 1 retain: true".
What am I not seeing?