@dnl0319 you need a mqtt broker when you want to connect pimatic-mqtt to a device like gosund. You can’t connect directly a mqtt device to the mqtt plugin. There’s always a broker in between.
The simplest setup is a broker on your system were Pimatic is installed and no authentication. Like is mentioned in the plugins README
While run MQTT broker on localhost and on a standard port, without autentification,
you can load the plugin by editing your config.json to include the following in the plugins section.
"plugin": "mqtt",
"active": true,
"brokers": [
"brokerId": "default"
That seems the config your are using, but as i now understand without an installed mqtt broker. That will not work. The mqtt plugin and the gosund need both to ‘talk’ to the broker.
You can use mosquitto as local broker. There’s a thread on the forum you can use to install mosquitto. When you run stretch OS you need to change ‘…/mosquitto-wheezy.list’ into ‘…/mosquitto-stretch.list’.