MQTT does not work after the update.
Error message:
Reconnecting to MQTT Broker Mqttbroke
What do I have to do to fix?
[Solved] Mqtt update
MQTT does not work after the update.
Error message:
Reconnecting to MQTT Broker Mqttbroke
What do I have to do to fix?
Have problems as well. Went back to the previous version 0.9.7.
How do I perform a downgrade?
EDIT: v0.9.11 works fine in my setup with tasmota and other users also have reported the latest version works fine for them. Do you guys have a username password set with the default broker?
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
No I have no username or password here
This may be the problem as the option configuration is a bit sloppy. I’ll try to fix that
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
Do you mean it could simply be fixed by creating a user with password?
Setups without username/password for the connection with the MQTT broker should now also work.
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
Works for me! Thanks for the fix!
Hi guys,
Not sure what broke it but i’m having problems with pimatic-mqtt (0.9.13). At startup I see:
21:14:58.501 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-mqtt" (0.9.13) 21:14:59.031 [pimatic] Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode
and a bit further on
21:15:10.969 [pimatic] No plugin found for device "solarpower" of class "MqttSensor"!
and a lot more similar complaints.
I’m on pimatic version 0.9.52, Node.js version 4.6.2, pimatic-mqtt 0.9.13
My mqtt broker is fine at localhost without username/password, mosquitto_sub -v -h localhost -p 1883 -t ‘#’ runs fine.
What’s going on here? Should I go to Node.js 6?
Hi guys,
Happy to report that I could solve this. pimatic-mqtt 0.9.13 does not seem to agree with Node.js version 4.6.2. After I switched to Node.js 8.16.2 all was fine again.