Hi guys,
I’m walking into a problem with my rule execution since the update 0.9.50 (and 0.9.51) where I’m not sure if it’s a bug or I made a mistake.
The problem concerns my rules which I use to toggle on/off a TV/Kodi installation with an AVM FritzDect200 outlet.
To be flexible, I created a “toggle TV”-Button.
If the button is pressed, there a two rules:
One that says "if button is pressed and outlet is off, turn outlet on"
One that says “if button is pressed and outlet is on, (run shutdown script and) turn outlet off”
The button can be triggered by web interface or by an amazon dash-button (rule “if dash-button closed, press button”).
Now is where my problem starts:
If I press the dash button, sometimes nothing happens. The log shows that the pressing of the dash-button was recognized and triggered the button, but it chooses the wrong rule depending on the state of the outlet (=> if the outlet is on, it chooses the rule “turn on” resulting in no change - if the outlet is off, it chooses the rule “turn off” and nothing happens).
If I press the button manually on the web interface, it always fetches the right state of the outlet and chooses the correct rule.
So, the way the button is pressed, makes a difference.
I checked if the Fritz-outlet was unavailable or gave a wrong state - I got no clues for a misbehaviour.
The rule-set was working flawless for 2 years now.
Anybody has an idea?
If it’s got to be a bug report, what do you think is the bugged component?