Since some time I try to bring weather sensors in pimatiimc. For example I use this part. It works quite well so far. Only that the resolution is of course not optimal.
Then I ordered this rain drop sensor. But it works so badly. When it starts to rain nothing happens. At some point he reacts. If it doesn’t rain then the drops stay on the sensor and it takes forever until it doesn’t show any more rain.
The rain sensors in cars work differently. They check whether the light is reflected or not. Wouldn’t it be possible to use such a sensor with pimatic? There are such sensors (used) on EbayKleinanzeigen for 15/20€.
Is that somehow possible to use the signals from such a sensor?
car rain sensor in pimatic? Is it possible?
"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (
It works well in a car, because you are driving it. The wind blows the drops away. Without wind it will act like the rain drop sensor.
If you want your rain drop sensor to react faster, you need one with a heating element. -
I guess you’re right about that. The airstream will be missing.
Well, I put in a heater. A 12V lamp, operated with 5V. The consumes about 250mA and becomes tolerably warm. I didn’t measure it, but it is a bit warmer than with my fingers. I don’t want to melt the case and the elactronics.
Tomorrow I can take a picture of my construction. Today it is already too dark.
But with a nano-sizing of the glass pane it would perhaps work."Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (
Unfortunately, I am also afraid that my rain sensor will not get very old. After two days and some rain it already looks like this.
"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (