Hi all.
I have connected to an Arduino Mega several MCP23017. With this I control relays and digital Inputs with the Johnny Five plugin.
As far as the hardware works well.
Now I have created many rules for my window rollers.
If the rules get too many, the plugin will no longer work.
The problem only occurs after a restart of Pimatic. When Pimatic is running, the created rules work.
I’ve already tried installing Pimatic with Node 6 or 8, but it does not work. Now I’m back to Node 4 for the Homeduino plugin to work.
Now I’m back to a config with less rules and Pimatic can start again normally.
Am I reaching the limits of the plugin here?
This message I get in the error log:
10:44:27.197 2019-03-25 Monday
10:44:32.376 [pimatic] info: Starting pimatic version 0.9.46
10:44:32.385 [pimatic] info: Node.js version 4.8.3
10:44:32.387 [pimatic] info: OpenSSL version 1.0.2k
10:44:35.390 [pimatic, ppm] info: 2.15.12
10:44:35.436 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-cron" (0.8.8)
10:44:35.882 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-unipi-evok" (0.3.2)
10:44:36.223 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-mobile-frontend" (0.9.13)
10:44:36.900 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-dht-sensors" (0.9.3)
10:44:36.949 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-gpio" (0.9.0)
10:44:37.007 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-mail" (0.8.6)
10:44:37.567 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-ping" (0.9.5)
10:44:37.629 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-shell-execute" (0.9.11)
10:44:37.665 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-sysinfo" (0.9.4)
10:44:37.807 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-filebrowser" (0.9.0)
10:44:37.942 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-homeduino" (0.9.11)
10:44:38.558 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-johnny-five" (0.9.12)
10:44:39.244 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-metar-weather" (0.9.2)
10:44:39.662 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-iframe" (0.3.1)
10:44:39.696 [pimatic-cron] info: the time is: Mon Mar 25 2019 10:44:39 GMT+0100 (CET)
10:44:41.358 [pimatic] info: New device "Systemsteuerung"...
10:44:41.411 [pimatic] info: New device "3.3 V Überwachung"...
10:44:41.457 [pimatic] info: New device "5 V Überwachung"...
10:44:41.488 [pimatic] info: New device "Schaltschrankfühler"...
10:44:41.524 [pimatic] info: New device "Systemdaten"...
10:44:41.556 [pimatic] info: New device "Pimatic Version git"...
10:44:41.614 [pimatic] info: New device "Pimatic Version"...
10:44:41.634 [pimatic] info: New device "Pimatic Update Info"...
10:44:41.677 [pimatic] info: New device "Badezimmer"...
10:44:41.722 [pimatic] info: New device "Außenfühler"...
10:44:41.786 [pimatic] info: New device "Freigabe Relais"...
10:44:41.812 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Relais 2"...
10:44:41.837 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Relais 3"...
10:44:41.860 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Relais 4"...
10:44:41.888 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Relais 5"...
10:44:41.912 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Relais 6"...
10:44:41.941 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Relais 7"...
10:44:41.977 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Relais 8"...
10:44:41.994 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 1"...
10:44:42.009 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 2"...
10:44:42.026 [pimatic] info: New device "Haustür LED"...
10:44:42.041 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 4"...
10:44:42.057 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 5"...
10:44:42.070 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 6"...
10:44:42.084 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 7"...
10:44:42.108 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 8"...
10:44:42.122 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung KG Werkstatt"...
10:44:42.140 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung KG Party"...
10:44:42.156 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung KG Flur"...
10:44:42.184 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung KG Waschen"...
10:44:42.202 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 13"...
10:44:42.215 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 14"...
10:44:42.231 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 15"...
10:44:42.246 [pimatic] info: New device "0x21-Relais 16"...
10:44:42.258 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Schlafen Groß Ab"...
10:44:42.272 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Schlafen Groß Auf"...
10:44:42.286 [pimatic] info: New device "0x22-Relais 3"...
10:44:42.300 [pimatic] info: New device "0x22-Relais 4"...
10:44:42.314 [pimatic] info: New device "0x22-Relais 5"...
10:44:42.333 [pimatic] info: New device "0x22-Relais 6"...
10:44:42.345 [pimatic] info: New device "0x22-Relais 7"...
10:44:42.357 [pimatic] info: New device "0x22-Relais 8"...
10:44:42.383 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Wohnen Rechts Ab"...
10:44:42.396 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Wohnen Rechts Auf"...
10:44:42.409 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Wohnen Links Ab"...
10:44:42.423 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Wohnen Links Auf"...
10:44:42.435 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung EG Wohnzimmer"...
10:44:42.453 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung EG Essen"...
10:44:42.469 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung EG Küche"...
10:44:42.485 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung EG Flur"...
10:44:42.535 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung OG Schlafen"...
10:44:42.549 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung OG Badheizkörper"...
10:44:42.563 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung OG Gast"...
10:44:42.575 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung OG Büro"...
10:44:42.588 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Büro Ab"...
10:44:42.617 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Büro Auf"...
10:44:42.631 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Gast Tür Ab"...
10:44:42.648 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Gast Tür Auf"...
10:44:42.662 [pimatic] info: New device "0x23-Relais 9"...
10:44:42.678 [pimatic] info: New device "0x23-Relais 10"...
10:44:42.692 [pimatic] info: New device "0x23-Relais 11"...
10:44:42.707 [pimatic] info: New device "0x23-Relais 12"...
10:44:42.720 [pimatic] info: New device "0x23-Relais 13"...
10:44:42.733 [pimatic] info: New device "0x23-Relais 14"...
10:44:42.746 [pimatic] info: New device "0x23-Relais 15"...
10:44:42.758 [pimatic] info: New device "0x23-Relais 16"...
10:44:42.770 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Gast Groß Ab"...
10:44:42.783 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Gast Groß Auf"...
10:44:42.807 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Gast Klein Ab"...
10:44:42.819 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Gast Klein Auf"...
10:44:42.831 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Schlafen Klein Ab"...
10:44:42.843 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Schlafen Klein Auf"...
10:44:42.856 [pimatic] info: New device "0x24-Relais 7"...
10:44:42.868 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung OG Bad"...
10:44:42.880 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Essen Ab"...
10:44:42.893 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Essen Auf"...
10:44:42.905 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Küche Ab"...
10:44:42.917 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Küche Auf"...
10:44:42.931 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo WC Ab"...
10:44:42.945 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo WC Auf"...
10:44:42.957 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung EG Garderobe"...
10:44:42.980 [pimatic] info: New device "Heizung EG WC"...
10:44:43.008 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 1"...
10:44:43.034 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 2"...
10:44:43.064 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 3"...
10:44:43.102 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 4"...
10:44:43.132 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 5"...
10:44:43.161 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 6"...
10:44:43.187 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 7"...
10:44:43.212 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 8"...
10:44:43.238 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 9"...
10:44:43.294 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 10"...
10:44:43.315 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 11"...
10:44:43.346 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 12"...
10:44:43.372 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 13"...
10:44:43.393 [pimatic] info: New device "UNIPI-Input 14"...
10:44:43.417 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 45"...
10:44:43.434 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 44"...
10:44:43.447 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 43"...
10:44:43.460 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 42"...
10:44:43.480 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 41"...
10:44:43.492 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 40"...
10:44:43.505 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 39"...
10:44:43.516 [pimatic] info: New device "Schlafen Rollo Groß Ab"...
10:44:43.529 [pimatic] info: New device "Schlafen Rollo Groß Auf"...
10:44:43.541 [pimatic] info: New device "Schlafen Rollo Klein Ab"...
10:44:43.554 [pimatic] info: New device "Schlafen Rollo Klein Auf"...
10:44:43.566 [pimatic] info: New device "Gast Rollo Groß Ab"...
10:44:43.579 [pimatic] info: New device "Gast Rollo Groß Auf"...
10:44:43.591 [pimatic] info: New device "Gast Rollo Klein Ab"...
10:44:43.605 [pimatic] info: New device "Gast Rollo Klein Auf"...
10:44:43.618 [pimatic] info: New device "Gast Rollo Tür Ab"...
10:44:43.641 [pimatic] info: New device "Gast Rollo Tür Auf"...
10:44:43.671 [pimatic] info: New device "Büro Rollo Tür Ab"...
10:44:43.685 [pimatic] info: New device "Büro Rollo Tür Auf"...
10:44:43.700 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 26"...
10:44:43.718 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 25"...
10:44:43.732 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 24"...
10:44:43.749 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 23"...
10:44:43.760 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 22"...
10:44:43.773 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 21"...
10:44:43.785 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 20"...
10:44:43.797 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 19"...
10:44:43.811 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 18"...
10:44:43.823 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 17"...
10:44:43.843 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 16"...
10:44:43.862 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 15"...
10:44:43.885 [pimatic] info: New device "Wohnen Rollo Rechts Ab"...
10:44:43.904 [pimatic] info: New device "Wohnen Rollo Rechts Auf"...
10:44:43.917 [pimatic] info: New device "Rollo Wohnen Links Ab"...
10:44:43.930 [pimatic] info: New device "Wohnen Rollo Links Auf"...
10:44:43.945 [pimatic] info: New device "WC Rollo Ab"...
10:44:43.959 [pimatic] info: New device "WC Rollo Auf"...
10:44:43.971 [pimatic] info: New device "Küche Rollo Ab"...
10:44:43.985 [pimatic] info: New device "Küche Rollo Auf"...
10:44:43.997 [pimatic] info: New device "Essen Rollo Ab"...
10:44:44.010 [pimatic] info: New device "Essen Rollo Auf"...
10:44:44.041 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 4"...
10:44:44.054 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 3"...
10:44:44.066 [pimatic] info: New device "Digital Input 2"...
10:44:44.078 [pimatic] info: New device "Impulsstromzähler"...
10:44:44.171 [pimatic] info: New device "Online Wetter"...
10:44:44.194 [pimatic] info: New device "Analog IN 1"...
10:44:44.217 [pimatic] info: New device "Analog IN 2"...
10:44:44.240 [pimatic] info: New device "Analog IN 3"...
10:44:44.261 [pimatic] info: New device "Analog IN 4"...
10:44:44.283 [pimatic] info: New device "Systemdaten"...
10:44:44.301 [pimatic] info: New device "Wohnzimmer"...
10:44:44.328 [pimatic] info: New device "Wohnzimmer"...
10:44:44.348 [pimatic] info: New device "Büro"...
10:44:44.368 [pimatic] info: New device "Schlafzimmer"...
10:44:44.387 [pimatic] info: New device "Flur OG"...
10:44:44.407 [pimatic] info: New device "Gästezimmer"...
10:44:44.427 [pimatic] info: New device "Waschraum"...
10:44:44.449 [pimatic] info: New device "Werkstatt"...
10:44:44.474 [pimatic] info: New device "Küche / Esszimmer"...
10:44:44.494 [pimatic] info: New device "Partyraum"...
10:44:44.513 [pimatic] info: New device "WC"...
10:44:44.533 [pimatic] info: New device "Flur KG"...
10:44:44.551 [pimatic] info: New device "Flur EG"...
10:44:44.566 [pimatic] info: New device "Küche / Esszimmer"...
10:44:44.582 [pimatic] info: New device "WC"...
10:44:44.598 [pimatic] info: New device "Flur EG"...
10:44:44.614 [pimatic] info: New device "Badezimmer"...
10:44:44.632 [pimatic] info: New device "Schlafzimmer"...
10:44:44.649 [pimatic] info: New device "Gästezimmer"...
10:44:44.667 [pimatic] info: New device "Büro"...
10:44:44.685 [pimatic] info: New device "Waschraum"...
10:44:44.705 [pimatic] info: New device "Werkstatt"...
10:44:44.721 [pimatic] info: New device "Partyraum"...
10:44:44.737 [pimatic] info: New device "Flur KG"...
10:44:44.779 [pimatic] info: New device "Stromzähler"...
10:44:44.798 [pimatic] info: New device "Wohnzimmer Rechts"...
10:44:44.823 [pimatic] info: New device "Wohnzimmer Rechts Status"...
10:44:44.837 [pimatic] info: New device "Timer-Rollo"...
10:44:44.856 [pimatic] info: New device "Timer-Rollo-Auf"...
10:44:44.871 [pimatic] info: New device "Wohnzimmer Links"...
10:44:44.887 [pimatic] info: New device "Wohnzimmer Links Status"...
10:44:44.897 [pimatic] info: New device "Esszimmer"...
10:44:44.914 [pimatic] info: New device "Esszimmer Status"...
10:44:44.925 [pimatic] info: New device "Küche"...
10:44:44.946 [pimatic] info: New device "Küche Status"...
10:44:44.956 [pimatic] info: New device "WC"...
10:44:44.971 [pimatic] info: New device "WC Status"...
10:45:21.646 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [Board#1] Error: A timeout occurred while connecting to the Board.
10:45:21.646 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.646 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>Please check that you've properly flashed the board with the correct firmware.
10:45:21.646 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>See: https://github.com/rwaldron/johnny-five/wiki/Getting-Started#trouble-shooting
10:45:21.646 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.646 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>If connecting to a Leonardo or Leonardo clone, press the 'Reset' button on the board, wait approximately 11 seconds for complete reset, then run your program again.
10:45:21.649 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [Board#1] Board not ready: A timeout occurred while connecting to the Board.
10:45:21.649 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>Please check that you've properly flashed the board with the correct firmware.
10:45:21.649 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>See: https://github.com/rwaldron/johnny-five/wiki/Getting-Started#trouble-shooting
10:45:21.649 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.649 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>If connecting to a Leonardo or Leonardo clone, press the 'Reset' button on the board, wait approximately 11 seconds for complete reset, then run your program again.
10:45:21.651 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [ExpanderBoard#2] Error: A timeout occurred while connecting to the Board.
10:45:21.651 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.651 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>Please check that you've properly flashed the board with the correct firmware.
10:45:21.651 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>See: https://github.com/rwaldron/johnny-five/wiki/Getting-Started#trouble-shooting
10:45:21.651 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.651 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>If connecting to a Leonardo or Leonardo clone, press the 'Reset' button on the board, wait approximately 11 seconds for complete reset, then run your program again.
10:45:21.653 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [ExpanderBoard#3] Error: A timeout occurred while connecting to the Board.
10:45:21.653 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.653 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>Please check that you've properly flashed the board with the correct firmware.
10:45:21.653 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>See: https://github.com/rwaldron/johnny-five/wiki/Getting-Started#trouble-shooting
10:45:21.653 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.653 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>If connecting to a Leonardo or Leonardo clone, press the 'Reset' button on the board, wait approximately 11 seconds for complete reset, then run your program again.
10:45:21.654 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [ExpanderBoard#4] Error: A timeout occurred while connecting to the Board.
10:45:21.654 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.654 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>Please check that you've properly flashed the board with the correct firmware.
10:45:21.654 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>See: https://github.com/rwaldron/johnny-five/wiki/Getting-Started#trouble-shooting
10:45:21.654 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.654 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>If connecting to a Leonardo or Leonardo clone, press the 'Reset' button on the board, wait approximately 11 seconds for complete reset, then run your program again.
10:45:21.656 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [ExpanderBoard#5] Error: A timeout occurred while connecting to the Board.
10:45:21.656 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.656 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>Please check that you've properly flashed the board with the correct firmware.
10:45:21.656 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>See: https://github.com/rwaldron/johnny-five/wiki/Getting-Started#trouble-shooting
10:45:21.656 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>
10:45:21.656 [pimatic-johnny-five] error:>If connecting to a Leonardo or Leonardo clone, press the 'Reset' button on the board, wait approximately 11 seconds for complete reset, then run your program again.
10:45:21.733 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [Board#1] Error: Board not ready
10:45:21.769 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] Error: unable to get status for all devices, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.772 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 2, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.776 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 1, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.777 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 28FF51320115025B, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.779 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 1, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.780 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 2, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.781 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 3, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.782 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 4, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.783 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 5, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.785 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 6, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.786 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 7, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.787 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 8, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.788 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 1, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.789 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 2, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.790 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 3, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.792 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 4, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.793 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 5, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.794 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 6, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.795 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 7, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.796 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 8, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.797 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 9, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.799 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 10, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.800 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 11, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.801 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 12, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.802 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 13, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.803 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 14, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.804 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 28FFCB36021503E5, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.806 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 2831997B070000C6, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.807 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 28224A7C07000052, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.809 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 28FFE82C021504F3, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.811 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 286E9F7B07000050, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.814 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 28FF7433011502FE, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.815 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 28FF9B3402150377, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.816 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 28EF627B070000C7, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.817 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 28FF1B36021503BB, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.820 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 28E8477C070000EE, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.822 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 287AAE7B0700009E, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.824 [pimatic-unipi-evok] error: [UniPiUpdateManager] unable to get status for device circuit 28FFCB33011502DE, exception caught: Error: No response. Request timeout: 20000 ms
10:45:21.835 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [ExpanderBoard#2] Error: Board not ready
10:45:21.858 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [ExpanderBoard#3] Error: Board not ready
10:45:21.944 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [ExpanderBoard#4] Error: Board not ready
10:45:21.962 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [ExpanderBoard#5] Error: Board not ready
10:45:21.981 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [JohnnyFivePresenceSensor#Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin45-DI24] Error: Board not ready
Board not ready
10:45:22.186 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFivePresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute value Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin38-DI17.presence: undefined
10:45:22.187 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin38-DI17.presence: undefined
10:45:22.188 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFivePresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute value Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin37-DI16.presence: undefined
10:45:22.189 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin37-DI16.presence: undefined
10:45:22.190 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFivePresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute value Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin36-DI15.presence: undefined
10:45:22.191 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin36-DI15.presence: undefined
10:45:22.193 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFivePresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute value Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin35-DI14.presence: undefined
10:45:22.194 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin35-DI14.presence: undefined
10:45:22.195 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFivePresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute value Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin34-DI13.presence: undefined
10:45:22.196 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin34-DI13.presence: undefined
10:45:22.198 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFivePresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute value Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin33-DI12.presence: undefined
10:45:22.199 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin33-DI12.presence: undefined
10:45:22.202 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFivePresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute value Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin32-DI11.presence: undefined
10:45:22.204 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin32-DI11.presence: undefined
10:45:22.205 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFivePresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute value Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin31-DI10.presence: undefined
10:45:22.206 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin31-DI10.presence: undefined
10:45:22.207 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFivePresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute
10:45:22.226 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFivePresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute value Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin22-DI1.presence: undefined
10:45:22.227 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Arduino-JohnnyFive-Pin22-DI1.presence: undefined
10:45:22.232 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [JohnnyFiveRelay#Expander-ID2-0x21-R0] Error: Unknown
10:45:22.235 [pimatic-johnny-five] error: [JohnnyFiveRelay#Expander-ID2-0x21-R1] Error: Unknown
10:45:22.383 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R5.state: undefined
10:45:22.384 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID2-0x21-R6.state: undefined
10:45:22.385 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R6.state: undefined
10:45:22.386 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID2-0x21-R7.state: undefined
10:45:22.387 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R7.state: undefined
10:45:22.388 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID2-0x21-R8.state: undefined
10:45:22.389 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R8.state: undefined
10:45:22.390 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID2-0x21-R9.state: undefined
10:45:22.391 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R9.state: undefined
10:45:22.393 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID2-0x21-R10.state: undefined
10:45:22.394 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R10.state: undefined
10:45:22.395 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID2-0x21-R11.state: undefined
10:45:22.396 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R11.state: undefined
10:45:22.397 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID2-0x21-R12.state: undefined
10:45:22.398 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R12.state: undefined
10:45:22.399 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID2-0x21-R13.state: undefined
10:45:22.400 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R13.state: undefined
10:45:22.402 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID2-0x21-R14.state: undefined
10:45:22.403 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R14.state: undefined
10:45:22.404 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID2-0x21-R15.state: undefined
10:45:22.405 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID2-0x21-R15.state: undefined
10:45:22.435 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID3-0x22-R13.state: undefined
10:45:22.436 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID3-0x22-R13.state: undefined
10:45:22.437 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID3-0x22-R14.state: undefined
10:45:22.438 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID3-0x22-R14.state: undefined
10:45:22.463 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID4-0x23-R6.state: undefined
10:45:22.464 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID4-0x23-R6.state: undefined
10:45:22.465 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID4-0x23-R7.state: undefined
10:45:22.466 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID4-0x23-R7.state: undefined
10:45:22.467 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID4-0x23-R8.state: undefined
10:45:22.468 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID4-0x23-R8.state: undefined
10:45:22.469 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID4-0x23-R9.state: undefined
FiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID5-0x24-R1.state: undefined
10:45:22.492 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID5-0x24-R1.state: undefined
10:45:22.523 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID5-0x24-R13.state: undefined
10:45:22.524 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID5-0x24-R14.state: undefined
10:45:22.525 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID5-0x24-R14.state: undefined
10:45:22.527 [pimatic-johnny-five, JohnnyFiveRelay] error: Error getting attribute value Expander-ID5-0x24-R15.state: undefined
10:45:22.531 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable Expander-ID5-0x24-R15.state: undefined
Unhandled rejection Error: Board not ready
Unhandled rejection Error: Board not ready
Unhandled rejection Error: Board not ready
Unhandled rejection Error: Unknown
Unhandled rejection Error: Unknown
Unhandled rejection Error: Unknown
Unhandled rejection Error: Unknown
10:45:23.633 [pimatic] info: rule pimatic-update-info: set $pimatic-update-info to Update v0.9.47 verfügbar
10:45:23.787 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] info: packing static assets
10:45:24.534 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] info: packing static assets finished
10:45:24.540 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] info: rendering html
10:45:26.138 [pimatic-homeduino] info: Connected to homeduino device.
10:45:31.113 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] info: rendering html finished
10:45:31.212 [pimatic] info: Listening for HTTP-request on port 88...