last year I’ve developed a speech recognition modul for my Pimatic/MagicMirror implementation running on 2 Raspberry PI Model 3 using a USB microphone.
The modul enables me to control MagicMirror functions as well as triggering pimatic actions using the REST API and works very stable.
Inspired from the ALEXA fire stick I was looking for a wireless microphone.
From China I’ve received now the following
Wireless-Voice-Control which works perfect with my
Speech Recognition for Pimatic.
The s2cmd modul can be used as a Speech to command interface not only for pimatic. Therefore it is not a plugin.
Due to my limited time and novice experience with nodejs I’m looking for interessted pimatic community members for further development of this modul.
So I would be pleased if some of the programmers in the pimatic community would be interessted to dive into this solution to consolidate the code and to implement further functionality.
Best regards