@georg90 No v2
Aqara (Xiaomi) plugin (Released)
I’ll be beta testing the v1 then
@georg90 I released a new version, should fix the temp sensor
I also ordered the double switch, I think I will implement that the same way as a button:
left_click, right_click, both_click
Also ordered the magic cube, don’t know yet how to implement that.
Are you guys running the GW with full internet access. When I deny to call home. I have problems with my temp sensors. 4-5 times a day the temp change to 100°C and 0% RH.
Has someone the same problem? -
@georg90 yes i Will implement that. Very easy to do
Edit: released 0.3.4 with validation on temperature and humidity.
Thanks for the update. Button works again
Temperature sensors are not received with the latest version.
I fixed this and created a pull request: https://github.com/sweebee/pimatic-aqara/pull/2 -
Is there a technical difference between V1 and V2 of the temp sensor?
@sweebee said in Aqara (Xiaomi) plugin (Released):
released 0.3.4 with validation on temperature and humidity.
Okay, this is the key feature to move from my current implementation to your plugin.
A further small feature would be to be able to configure globally a battery limit. If this limit is reached a flashing battery symbol would appear beside the battery level. What you thing?
@ortin Yes thats possible, its now static between 2800 mV (0%) and 3200 mV (100%). I can make that optional within the plugin config. When I’ve received my temperature sensor and tested everything I will release it with this option.
released new version:
Temperature sensor should work fine now and added option to set low and high voltage for battery. (in plugin config)
Edit: another new release, the pressure was wrong. also round at 1 decimal instead of 2, because the device is only accurate to 0.3 degrees.
Hey sweebee, want to play around with your plugin so I installed it on my Ubuntu Laptop.
After installation and activation I got this error:21:15:41.379 [pimatic-aqara] debug: Searching for gateway... 21:15:41.463 [pimatic] error: An uncaught exception occurred: Error: bind EADDRINUSE 21:15:41.463 [pimatic] error:> at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:907:11) 21:15:41.463 [pimatic] error:> at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:930:20) 21:15:41.463 [pimatic] error:> at dgram.js:214:18 21:15:41.463 [pimatic] error:> at nextTickCallbackWith3Args (node.js:522:9) 21:15:41.463 [pimatic] error:> at process._tickCallback (node.js:428:17) 21:15:41.463 [pimatic] error:> This is most probably a bug in pimatic or in a module, please report it! 21:15:41.464 [pimatic] info: exiting...
The port is open (before Pimatic was started the port was not listed)
udp 0 0* 0 28394 2779/io.mihome.0
Any idea?
You should stop your script for the mqtt - xiaomi gateway, the port 9898 needs to be free
I had the same, port looks free but the script somehow blocks it… maybe that’s a solution?
Hmm, that was the first I did. I will check tomorrow.Okay, stopping my mqtt xiaomi script was not enough. After I switched off my productive Raspberry no more error occurred.
New version with support for the Magic Cube (very nice device by the way )
@sweebee said in Aqara (Xiaomi) plugin (Released):
Magic Cube
Yeah you guys need to stop with all these new things, my monthly Ebay quota is reached in the first week of the month
Follow my domotica project on http://maredana.nl
New release:
changed some config options for hiding stuff, If you enabled this you might get some config errors, hiding lux is renamed from
. You can now also hide the humidity. and the door sensor is not inverted anymore. -
@sweebee said in Aqara (Xiaomi) plugin (Released):
@mr-smith i think your node version is to old. Try to update to the latest version of 4 thats 4.8.5 or something.
Thank you that did the trick!
One thing though, all my doorsensors report “open” when the door is closed and vice versa.
Not a big issue because I can invert this with the xClosedLabel and xOpenedLabel. Just thought i should mention it. -
@mr-smith it should be fixed in the latest release
My DoorSensors “bounce” somethimes for some ms. I can see it on the GUI but its really only a moment. I handled it by a rule and a dummy device. Could be helpful to have a debounce option (in ms) in the config of each created device to handle it without a rule.
Could you imagine to implement something like comfort temp to the TempSensor. If it is out of the custom range a rule can be triggered with this information.
For example the comfort zone is 19-24°C. Is it under or over this range a rule can be trigger with
when $tempsensor reports uncomfortable then ...
BTW: Your plugin has saved more than 40 rules in my config
As you mentioned above error can occur. After changing the config to my needs, errors for the stuff I have deactivated (some lux and pressure) appear. Strange is that all the devices are logged as
New device
, but they aren’t.16:12:55.711 [pimatic] error: Invalid config of device "xiaomi-raumsensor-wohnzimmer": Property "pressure" is not a valid property 16:12:55.716 [pimatic] info: New device "Xiaomi Raumsensor Wohnzimmer"... 16:12:55.735 [pimatic] error: Invalid config of device "xiaomi-raumsensor-schlafzimmer": Property "pressure" is not a valid property 16:12:55.738 [pimatic] info: New device "Xiaomi Raumsensor Schlafzimmer"...