Is the rule applied? What does the pimatic event log say?
Does your browser console logs “updating CSS”?
If yes, what does the line with Voordeur say?
control visibility via device status
Is the rule applied? What does the pimatic event log say?
Does your browser console logs “updating CSS”?
If yes, what does the line with Voordeur say?
The event in the log is hard to catch, so many events…
But the pimatic rule shows this:
21:18:15.366 [pimatic] info: rule css-test-2: added CSS “display”: “none” to “#Voordeur”
21:20:11.943 [pimatic] info: rule css-test3: added CSS “display”: “block” to “#Voordeur”
The browserlog shows:
updating CSS…
index-3cd3e09a4c698fba4d8f102fc3b4d40c.js:1197 {""#CssInjectDevice > div > label"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#Voordeur"|||“display”":["“block”"],""#Schuur"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#Achterdeur"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#deur-floortje"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#raam-voorzijde"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#bovenlicht-voor"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#bovenlicht-achter"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#bovenlicht-toilet"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#raam-keuken-links"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#raam-keuken-recht"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#raam-jelle"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#raambouke"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#raam-bea"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#bovenlicht-floortje"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#badkamer-raam-links"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#badkamer-raam-rechts"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#velux-overloop"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#raam-overloop"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#velux-slaapkamer"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#raam-slaapkamer-zolder"|||“display”":["“none”"],""#tuindeur"|||“display”":["“none”"]}
There is something strange with the page, it looks like this:
But when I edit it I see:no devices:
In the config all devices are there:
21:18:15.366 [pimatic] info: rule css-test-2: added CSS “display”: “none” to “#Voordeur”
21:20:11.943 [pimatic] info: rule css-test3: added CSS “display”: “block” to “#Voordeur”
The console log shows display:block for your Voordeur. So your css-test3 rule won and the device is visible.
Regarding the edit mode, I think it’s because all the devices are hidden according to your applied rules.
Its solved.
Before I reloaded Pimatic in the browser every time when I changed something and that didn’t help.
Now that I changed ALL css rules as adviced AND reloaded pimatic in the browser all works as expected.
Thanks for the support and advises!!!