Found some additional information here:
Don’t see any difference with the command below. So to get total power consumption at this instance one would have to add all 3 phases together with some logic. I don’t know if that is possible in Pimatic? And to control some stuff, we would also need some logic, to say, if power goes above 200 watt then someone is at home for example.
Or turn off tumble dryer if power goes above 4000 watt on phase 2 - to avoid the fuse busting.
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ curl -s -H "Accept: application/json"
{"report":"Instantaneous values:<BR>voltage=233.5 Vrms<BR>FFTComponents:<BR>Phase 1:<BR>\tcurrent=0.052 A, activePower=3.109 W, reactivePower=11.983 var, apparentPower=12.38 VA, cosfi=24, quadrant=0, phaseshift=0.0, phaseDiff=0.0<BR>\tFFTComponents:<BR>Phase 2:<BR>\tcurrent=0.078 A, activePower=8.748 W, reactivePower=16.081 var, apparentPower=18.307 VA, cosfi=43, quadrant=0, phaseshift=0.0, phaseDiff=0.0<BR>\tFFTComponents:<BR>Phase 3:<BR>\tcurrent=0.284 A, activePower=35.105 W, reactivePower=56.441 var, apparentPower=66.468 VA, cosfi=52, quadrant=0, phaseshift=0.0, phaseDiff=0.0<BR>\tFFTComponents:<BR><BR><BR>Phase 1, peak active power 4697.049 W at 20/10/2016 19:23:30<BR>Phase 2, peak active power 6522.785 W at 11/11/2016 14:48:50<BR>Phase 3, peak active power 3234.044 W at 21/11/2016 17:56:55<BR>active energy RMS per phase mapping combination<BR>phase mapping 210=1940.101 kWh [ -1/0]<BR>phase mapping 12=1102.889 kWh [ 1/2]<BR>phase mapping 21=965.691 kWh [ -1/3]<BR>phase mapping 102=2677.765 kWh [* 1/3]<BR>phase mapping 120=1422.068 kWh [ 1/2]<BR>phase mapping 201=1279.606 kWh [ -1/2]<BR><BR>active energy RMS (solar) per phase mapping combination<BR>phase mapping 210=0.0 kWh [ -1/0]<BR>phase mapping 12=0.0 kWh [ 1/2]<BR>phase mapping 21=0.0 kWh [ -1/3]<BR>phase mapping 102=0.0 kWh [* 1/3]<BR>phase mapping 120=0.0 kWh [ 1/2]<BR>phase mapping 201=0.0 kWh [ -1/2]<BR><BR>"}pi@raspberrypi ~ $