Hey there,
I have 2 instances of pimatic running on 2 different rpis. One older rpi2 at a very central position in my premises hosting a homeduino and a second one -rpi3- doing all that modern stuff (playing around, webhosting,…).
I have a few homeduino devices set up in the old pimatic. Is there an easy way to transfer the state and changes between these two? I thought about 2 solutions:
Forwarding the homeduino usb port to the new rpi with something like socat. But this may bring problems when rebooting only one of them.
Second idea was creating rules like on pimatic1 [when state changes call api of pimatic2]… but I would need to create 2 rules for every simple switch in pimatic1 (to be updated when switch is operated by remote controll) and another 2 at pimatic2 for activly using them in the front end.
Is there an easier solution?