I can´t copy the Log here, it is not transferred by ctrl+c and ctrl+v
But its weird, its working now .
All the mystic letters are gone and there are real numbers.
Bluetooth and BLE status
I can´t copy the Log here, it is not transferred by ctrl+c and ctrl+v
But its weird, its working now .
All the mystic letters are gone and there are real numbers.
Thats great! I’m very interested in your feedback
So for the iTag I now have it working as a presence device and the button is working.
If someone lives in the Amsterdam area and is interested in an iTag device, I have a bunch laying around, send me a message
Also, if anyone has a BLE device which you like to be implemented, contact me
Hmm, still weird.
It seems only to work if devicDebug
is enabled.
I´ve tested this several times now
This is my config:
"plugin": "ble",
"active": true,
"debug": true,
"deviceDebug": false
"plugin": "mi-flora",
"active": true,
"debug": true
and Devices:
"uuid": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"xAttributeOptions": [],
"id": "mifloratest1",
"name": "Mi Flora Test 1",
"class": "MiFloraDevice",
"interval": 900000
"uuid": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"xAttributeOptions": [],
"id": "mifloratest2",
"name": "Mi Flora Test 2",
"class": "MiFloraDevice",
"interval": 900000
That works for me
I don´t know whats wrong, maybe it´s the weather
I disabled and enabled the debug for the 5th time , and it is working now.
Maybe it is to cold for the Miflora (1.6°C in my Greenhouse)
I can only read the Mi Flora when it’s about 2 metres from my Raspberry Pi, quite poor to be honest.
Ok, for me there are 5m´s and a wooden wall between the devices…
@michael-rudek said in Bluetooth and BLE status:
I disabled and enabled the debug for the 5th time , and it is working now.
There is indeed a bug in the BLE plugin, I’m working on it
Ok, I created new versions of the plugins and also included a generic BLEPresenceSensor in the BLE package which just detects if a BLE device is scanned
The Debug-Bug is still there…
@wutu said in Bluetooth and BLE status:
this is not a typed array
After update node to v4.8.6, error is gone.
The Debug-Bug is still there…
same here
Pimatic = Smart Home
Can you explain the Debug-Bug?
@rrooggiieerr said in Bluetooth and BLE status:
Can you explain the Debug-Bug?
Pimatic-mi-flora only to work if Debug is enabled.
Pimatic = Smart Home
It looks like Mi-Flora is working only once, if debug is disabled.
With debug enabled, it´s working continuously
The default polling time for the Mi Flora is 15 minutes, maybe that’s why? You can change the polling time in the Mi Flora device
From 23:00 to 14:30 no Data, thats more than 15 Minutes…
Can you show me the config related to ble mi-flora and the related devices?
"plugin": "ble",
"debug": true,
"deviceDebug": true,
"active": true
"plugin": "mi-flora",
"debug": false,
"active": true
"id": "mi-flora",
"class": "MiFloraDevice",
"name": "Gewächshaus",
"uuid": "c47c8d61caed",
"interval": 60000,
"xAttributeOptions": []
"uuid": "c47c8d61caed",
"xAttributeOptions": [],
"id": "miflora-ok",
"name": "Miflora OK",
"class": "BLEPresenceSensor"
This is working
If debug is disabled, it doesn´t
Ah, Ok, you use the same device for two different sensors, that probably doesn’t work. I didn’t have this use case in mind. I might make that work in a future release, however for now I want to have the existing plugin an device working reliably