Hey folks,
a view months ago I brought some WIFI controllable lights for my home (see here http://www.amazon.de/Lampe-IWY-Master-Farbwechsel-dimmbar/dp/B00GZNBBEK/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top). I had the plan to control them by a Raspberry Pi and let them automatically switch of when nobody is at home, change the color depending by day time or temperature outside and so on. So I searched for a solution where I could apply rules to trigger light commands based on RF-signals, time, whether … and found Pimatic
Suddenly I found my self writing plugin to hook up those WIFI lights with Pimatic. I don`t know how widespread those light are, buy if anybody wants to use the IWY-Light with Pimatic check this out: https://github.com/philip1986/iwy-light-master
Its not perfect at least documentation and tests are missing, but I use it in ‘production’ at my place and it works fine