My Pimatic setup is more and more bound to the presence of members of the household in the house… Unfortunate a current Android 7 phone goes to sleep very soon so a simple ping device has become almost useless.
I’m using owntracks for quite a time now and it works close to perfect (still some finetuning needed).
Now I’m looking to get a step closer to a smarter system : predicting the arrival of members of the house.
To start : I have one major ‘anybody home’ DummyPresence device. A lot of other presence devices can control the state of this major presence device.
As soon as this anybody home device reports present, several rules/actions/scenarios are valid (like setting the room temperature or leaving some lights on instead of turning off at specified time).
For me and my wife I have setup a ‘perimeter’ owntracks device. The GPS coordinates for this device is somewhat the center of the city we live in, but with a radius of 17,5 km :D
This radius gives enough coverage for every possible route to our home, with enough time for the system to respond (cranking up the heater for example).
I haven’t bound any rules to ‘entering the perimeter’ yet, but thinking about stuff like WHEN anybodyhome-locatie-perimeter-general is present for 1 minute and anybodyhome-general is absent for 20 minutes THEN turn on heater
In this case the device anybodyhome-locatie-perimeter-general
has to be present AND device anybodyhome-general
has to be absent for 20 minutes.
Device anybodyhome-general
is my major ‘anybody home’ DummyPresence device. By forcing that this has to be absent for 20 minutes I can prevent some strange situation of conflicts with short travels within the city. This has to prove itself in real life situations.
Anyway, when nobody is at home and any of the members passes the 17,5 km radius of the perimeter I could easily say that somebody is on its way to home.
When I know somebody is on its way to home I could alter the setting of the thermostat to a comfy temperature resulting in (if needed) turning on the heat. In theory this would lead to arriving at home with already a living room that;s warming up instead of a living room that is going to warm up.
Also I could turn in some lights (depending on state of the lights and time).
If this is going to work, I could create another (smaller) perimeter covering only the city. When one is not at home but still within the smaller radius (for a maximum time of x) I could choose to keep on the heater on a slight lower temperature or keep on some lights.
Any comments, thoughts on this kind of predicting and detecting? Is there anyone who uses such a approach ?