I would like to achieve the following:
At the moment I have 2 bat files on my laptop to start and stop a VPN client configured on my router. I would like to control this with a button on Pimatic. Is this possible? The start bat file has the following commands in it:
set rHOST=
set rPORT=22
set rUSER=admin
set rPASS=xxxxxxxxxxxx
set cCOMMAND=service start_vpnclient1
@plink.exe -ssh %rHOST% -P %rPORT% -l %rUSER% -pw %rPASS% -batch %cCommand% %arg1% %arg2%
So I would like to do this with Pimatic, make a small script that does the above and can be activated with a rule that is activated with sliding a dummy switch for example. Is this possible?