I would like to use my HD44780 20x4 LCD to display and update current weather information from my weather station(s). The informatie consists of;
Current tempature
min temp (measured in shade)
max temp (measured in sun, sensor is in wind gauge)
precipitation in next hour
Forecast tomorrow
min temp
max temp
clouds (%)
As this info is more than 20x4 characters I would need to cycle through the info. As I have to cycle through the info I was also thinking to make an information page for the current status (source, title, artist, etc) of my iEast M5 AudioCast players (fetched through API).
How whould one go about this?
I started with a rule that runs every 30 seconds and within the THEN section where every line gets a text to display for 10 seconds (‘and after 10 seconds’) they get new text to be displayed and then after 10 seconds again, making a full cycle and then the rule will restart (every 30 seconds) starting it all over.
Sadly this doesn’t work. Somehow, the second and third ‘and after 10 seconds’ get fired simultaniously, thus mixing the rule structure up.
Does anyone have experience with such a rule, or does anyone has a good idea? I’m all ears!