Hi everbody, i am new to developing with node.js and creating pimatic-plugins. I am wondering how a sensefull development environment for my plugin would look like.
On the development-pages of the pimatic website it is suggested to develop with a mac or linux system with enough “power” and not to develop on the raspberry pi itself. I am doing an i2c plugin which adresses the gpio-interface of the raspberry pi. I have to send a few i2c commands and to debug this code right now. But install and uninstall processes run very very slow on the raspberry pi. But if i would develop on a linux which has no gpio-interface, there would be a lot of errors, right? So what can i do to develop more efficiently? Especially the “make: leaving directory” takes a lot time.
Another question: do i have to reinstall (uninstall then install again) my plugin each time when i changed something in my plugin-code?
Thanks in advance!!!