Hello, I have tried to furnish the query of a sonoff switch with pir about mqtt. In the terminal I get the following issue:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t stat/sonoff/POWER -v
stat/sonoff/POWER ON
stat/sonoff/POWER OFF
stat/sonoff/POWER ON
stat/sonoff/POWER OFF
stat/sonoff/POWER ON
stat/sonoff/POWER OFF
stat/sonoff/POWER ON
stat/sonoff/POWER OFF
So there think I which runs mosquitto.
If I create new mqtt device gets wants to furnish, then I get the following mistake:
error [pimatic]: (@plugin.brokers[@config.brokerId])
mosquitto announces this mistake:
1496649923: Socket error on client pimatic_18856fc4, disconnecting.
My Plugin:
"brokers": [],
"plugin": "mqtt",
"active": true
What is my mistake?