New pimatic tradfri plugin / IKEA Smart Lights
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Hey all,
today a new update arrived to my Tradfri Gateway. Since this update it is not possible to control my lights from Pimatic. Somebody else with this problem? -
Same here, logging is saying;
Try to connect to tradfri.I removed the identity and PSK, restarted pimatic so they were generated again. But no luck.
Same issue here. Restart and removal of the generated credentials does not solve.
error [pimatic-tradfri]: Tradfri gateway is not reachable anymore!
Hope that someone understands what needs to be solved. From the news, I understand that a new Gateway update 1.8.25 is rolled out that enables some stuff for HomeKit (whatever that is
). Wouldn’t be surprised if something would have changed with authentication?
I will check it and fix it as soon as possible…
Thanks for checking! I just realized that I have the same problem!
I have the solution.
The hotfix is coming.
I have release a new version. 0.1.22
hotfix for tradfri gateway firmware version 1.8.25.- update the plugin
- stop pimatic and remove the PSK and identity parameter from the plugin config
or clear the parameters via the web-ui - restart pimatic
Thanks for the fast fix @kosta !
Thx Kosta
Much appreciated!
Thanks so much!!! That was a really quick fix!
I have a problem with the new version, i blocked the internet access for the ikea bridge over the fritzbox (dsl router). Every day after 24 hours pimatic cant reach the bridge anymore and i have to restart the bridge(unplug power etc) to get it working again.
I now re-enabled the internet access and check if its tomorrow okay.
Any ideas that the blocked internet access has a relationship to this?
@tehmilcho said in New pimatic tradfri plugin / IKEA Smart Lights:
Any ideas that the blocked internet access has a relationship to this?
Most likely, the bridge runs out of resources due to too many connection attempts or pending requests cause a blocking situation. There is not much one can do against this. Possibly, if the outbound calls have been reverse engineered it is possible to route connections to a fake server which lets the bridge think it is calling home. Something similar had been developed for Amazon dash-buttons simulating the Amazon backend.
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
just as feedback for somebody that the same Problem. Without the Internet-Access blocked from the IKEA bridge, it works fine.
What a bummer… its against my personal security policy because i block the Internet-access from all my Smartdevices (without Alexa because it will not work without internet), i allow only Pimatic over a Reverse Proxy from my NAS to be available from the Internet . For Exampe i found out that the Milight Wlan-box tries to connect to some weird URLs (cm2.xlink.cn) in China for no Reason, etc
Goodday all, in finally installed the Tradfri system and I was not disappointed!
Unfortunately my bridge is running 1.8.26 and after installation I’m not getting a PSK , I get an identity but no PSK.Needless to say discovery doesn’t work now, any chance on a fix??
After reinstalling the plugin it works! Just have been an error on my side.On the plus side, I can confirm everything works with the newest firmware!!
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@kosta Hey Kosta, does this mean the Raspbee plugin is the ‘new’ Tradfri plugin?
oh sorry, the post was on a wrong threadyeah, it’s definitely a very good alternative.
but you need a zigbee dongle. see here
then you can control all zigbee devices with the plugin.
Philips hue, xiaomi/aqara senoren, tradfri, and many more
supported devices
with the dongle you can replace all vendors gateways -
Will you be adding the new tradfri blinds? Fyrtur I believe they are called?