I am running pimatic with homeduino in order to receive and send 433MHz signals. Now I have encountered two problems.
- 433 device not properly recognized
I own a set of Pollin remote controlled outlets. When I send a signal, I get this terminal output:
11:09:16.339 [pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 304 928 9580 0 0 0 0 0
11:09:16.344 [pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 304, 928, 9580 ] 01010101011001010101011001100110010101100110010102
11:09:16.354 [pimatic-homeduino] switch2: { houseCode: 27, unitCode: 2, state: false }
11:09:16.358 [pimatic-homeduino] switch3: { houseCode: 27, unitCode: 2, state: true }
11:09:16.361 [pimatic-homeduino] switch4: { unit: 27, id: 2, state: false }
11:09:16.366 [pimatic-homeduino] switch5: { id: 1031854, unit: 0, all: true, state: true }
11:09:16.371 [pimatic-homeduino] switch7: { unit: 5, id: 1, state: true }
11:09:16.375 [pimatic-homeduino] switch14: { id: 16721, unit: 2, all: true, state: false }
11:09:16.378 [pimatic-homeduino] switch15: { id: 16721, unit: 0, state: true, all: true }
11:09:16.386 [pimatic-homeduino] switch16: { id: 'A', unit: 1, state: false }
11:09:16.389 [pimatic-homeduino] switch22: { id: 1031854, command: 'C' }
11:09:16.397 [pimatic-homeduino] switch27: { channel: '0010', unit: '0111011', state: false }
11:09:16.400 [pimatic-homeduino] switch28: { id: 11193004, unit: 26198, command: undefined }
11:09:16.404 [pimatic-homeduino] pir1: { unit: 27, id: 2, presence: true }
11:09:16.408 [pimatic-homeduino] pir6: { id: 535080, presence: true }
11:09:16.411 [pimatic-homeduino] contact2: { id: 1031854, contact: false }
11:09:16.416 [pimatic-homeduino] contact3: { id: 1031854, contact: true }
11:09:16.419 [pimatic-homeduino] led4: { id: 1045, command: 'code:00010100' }
11:09:16.422 [pimatic-homeduino] doorbell1: { id: 2015, unit: 1397, state: false }
This is the result of once pressing a button. It sends several protocols at one. I tried creating a device as described in the tutorial on this forum. Also, I tried using the Discover Devices
option in the webGUI.
Ended up with this:
In order to determine which protocol would actually work, I added them all as devices. Neither of them do anything. I placed the remote controlled outlet directly next to the arduino to assure this is not a distance problem.
As an alternative, I am considering to create a single device and add each of those protocols above to its settings. However, I got a feeling that is not going to work either and since I got such valuable advice with my earlier problem on this forum, I am trying again
Has somebody come across a similar problem and has found a solution for this?
- I have a wireless doorbell (mumbi DB290)
mumbi does not seem to be a supported protocol, however: I can receive its signals, so I assume I ought to be able to process them as well.
Now, I am trying to use pimatic and homeduino to trigger an event whenever the doorbell button is pressed (and, therefore, sends a 433MHz signal which will be picked up by my arduino). Originally I wrote a (beginners) python script to notify me via Telegram messenger whenever this is the case, but since pimatic has a telegram plugin, I might as well give that a shot.
The problem here is that I do not understand how to set up a mere trigger whenever this signal (or rather, signals) are being picked up. According to terminal output, this devices sender switches between two different aliases whenever the doorbell button is pressed.
11:37:56.332 [pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 1460 600 368 7040 0 0 0 0 010101012001200120012001010101200101200120012001012010011010010123"
11:37:56.365 [pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 368, 600, 1460, 7040 ] 212121210221022102210221212121022121022102210221210212211212212103
11:37:56.502 [pimatic-homeduino] switch11: { id: 43082, unit: 0, state: false }
11:37:56.510 [pimatic-homeduino] pir3: { id: 2721, unit: 10860, presence: true }
11:37:56.613 [pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 1472 516 7040 0 0 0 0 0 010101011001100110011001010101100101100110011001011010011010010112"
11:37:56.617 [pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 516, 1472, 7040 ] 101010100110011001100110101010011010011001100110100101100101101002
11:37:56.622 [pimatic-homeduino] switch11: { id: 43082, unit: 0, state: false }
11:37:56.641 [pimatic-homeduino] pir3: { id: 2721, unit: 10860, presence: true }
11:37:56.901 [pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 1472 516 7036 0 0 0 0 0 010101011001100110011001010101100101100110011001011010011010010112"
11:37:56.905 [pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 516, 1472, 7036 ] 101010100110011001100110101010011010011001100110100101100101101002
11:37:56.911 [pimatic-homeduino] switch11: { id: 43082, unit: 0, state: false }
11:37:56.917 [pimatic-homeduino] pir3: { id: 2721, unit: 10860, presence: true }
11:37:57.188 [pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 1472 516 7040 0 0 0 0 0 010101011001100110011001010101100101100110011001011010011010010112"
11:37:57.195 [pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 516, 1472, 7040 ] 101010100110011001100110101010011010011001100110100101100101101002
11:37:57.205 [pimatic-homeduino] switch11: { id: 43082, unit: 0, state: false }
11:37:57.209 [pimatic-homeduino] pir3: { id: 2721, unit: 10860, presence: true }
11:37:59.240 [pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 1492 564 368 7052 0 0 0 0 012020012001012020012001010120200120101010012001010120011010010113"
11:37:59.245 [pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 368, 564, 1492, 7052 ] 210202210221210202210221212102022102121212210221212102211212212113
11:37:59.251 [pimatic-homeduino] switch11: { id: 26846, unit: 0, state: false }
11:37:59.256 [pimatic-homeduino] pir3: { id: 27043, unit: 31276, presence: true }
11:37:59.522 [pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 1488 500 7036 0 0 0 0 0 011010011001011010011001010110100110101010011001010110011010010112"
11:37:59.527 [pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 500, 1488, 7036 ] 100101100110100101100110101001011001010101100110101001100101101002
11:37:59.532 [pimatic-homeduino] switch11: { id: 26846, unit: 0, state: false }
11:37:59.536 [pimatic-homeduino] pir3: { id: 27043, unit: 31276, presence: true }
11:37:59.809 [pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 1492 496 7036 0 0 0 0 0 011010011001011010011001010110100110101010011001010110011010010112"
11:37:59.814 [pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 496, 1492, 7036 ] 100101100110100101100110101001011001010101100110101001100101101002
11:37:59.819 [pimatic-homeduino] switch11: { id: 26846, unit: 0, state: false }
11:37:59.823 [pimatic-homeduino] pir3: { id: 27043, unit: 31276, presence: true }
I pressed the doorbell only twice to get this massive output, so I am not sure what to make off it. I can only assume that either pir3 or switch11 could be used to trigger the doorbell, or both at once.
How can I set up this doorbell button and how do I trigger anything with it?
Thanks in advance for your help (=
=====> or should I just switch to different hardware right away that works “out of the box”? If so, maybe some user located in Germany could recommend hardware that can be purchased over here?