At this point the only GUI is the Pimatic-Mobile interface.
It is a nice interface, but i am thinking of getting an old android tablet fixed to the wall as home controller.
Then the interface isn’t really nice to be always on
At this point the only possibility i see to develop an new interface is to do the same as the mobile-frontend.
But this has a lot of overhead, like the settings ect.
i would like to request a way to completely style/code 1 Page.
So that i can use the mobile-frontend default, but my tablet will be using a different tab that is optimized for my tablet.
i think there are 2 solutions for this:
Make it possible to create (through a plugin) a tab, and then completely style and code it.
Down side is that this means that you still have the independent plugins with their own gui layer.
Make it possible to easly overwrite an gui from a plugin, Like a button or the weather app.
That way someone can recreate the gui, but not touch the plugin it self. (so not break anything )
This way you keep it dynamic, and people can start creating multiple GUI’s for their plugin. (mobile, tablet ect.)
Let me know what you guys think!