Hey Folks!
can I adjust the output of the sensors so that gets 1/2 degree steps like 20,5° or 21° and not 20,45° or 19.11° ?
Many Thanks for your help!
PS: Here is my actually config:
“id”: “temperatur-sensor1”,
“name”: “Aussentemperatur Garten”,
“class”: “DS18B20Sensor”,
“hardwareId”: “28-0000066fae4c”,
“interval”: 10000
“id”: “temperatur-sensor2”,
“name”: “Wassertemperatur Gartenteich”,
“class”: “DS18B20Sensor”,
“hardwareId”: “28-0000066fa91a”,
“interval”: 10000
“id”: “temperatur-sensor3”,
“name”: “Wassertemp. Pool Vorlauf”,
“class”: “DS18B20Sensor”,
“hardwareId”: “28-03146c8e43ff”,
“interval”: 10000
“id”: “temperatur-sensor4”,
“name”: “Wassertemp. Pool Ruecklauf”,
“class”: “DS18B20Sensor”,
“hardwareId”: “28-02150024beff”,
“interval”: 10000
datasheet of the DS18B20 can be found here: http://www.kynix.com/Detail/206274/DS18B20.html