I have a H801 LED controller with easy esp.
To set control this with Pimatic i create a shellswitch curl --silent http://192.168.?.?/control?cmd=PWM,13,(0) (or 100 to set on the led.) I Create for each color a shellswitch. Tiss is working fine.
How can i create a rule with DummyDimmer ?
How to create a DummyDimmer with PWM ?
I´m using for my Firelamp:
"when $feuer-helligkeit.dimlevel changes then execute \"curl -s$feuer-helligkeit\""
In my case i need a maximum of 255 wich is calculated in the variable $feuer-helligkeit:
"name": "feuer-helligkeit", "expression": "$feuer-helligkeit.dimlevel *2.55"