Okay thx, seems to be a way to handle it. Better would be to couple the echo via BT with RPi directly. But I will try it. Currently I have a mini speaker connected to the raspberry it works but I like to have only one speaker (the echo) at the end…
[pimatic-echo] Control your pimatic devices using Amazon's echo
Got my Alexa Echo 2 this week. Today I tried to bring it together with my Pimatic. The installation of the plugin was okay and I activated echo on some devices. Unfortunately the search with Echo brought no results. Do I need the Hue skill to make it working?
@ortin it seems that Amazon changed something on the new echos. See https://github.com/michbeck100/pimatic-echo/pull/28
pimatic-hap - pimatic HomeKit bridge
pimatic-echo - Amazon echo integration
pimatic-dash-button - Amazon dash button support
pimatic-alarm - pimatic alarm system
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@ortin oh, and I’m still working on it. I hope to get this fixed this weekend. Since I don’t have a new echo I will need some beta testers
pimatic-hap - pimatic HomeKit bridge
pimatic-echo - Amazon echo integration
pimatic-dash-button - Amazon dash button support
pimatic-alarm - pimatic alarm system
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Put me on the list!
@ortin Time for some testing. Please try the latest version on GitHub. Now, pimatic-echo differentiates between dimmable lights and switches. Lights are shown as Hue light and switches are shown as Wemo switches. This way it’s not possible anymore to “dim” a switch.
Also I’ve integrated https://github.com/michbeck100/pimatic-echo/pull/29pimatic-hap - pimatic HomeKit bridge
pimatic-echo - Amazon echo integration
pimatic-dash-button - Amazon dash button support
pimatic-alarm - pimatic alarm system
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@michbeck100 i get an error.
Wemo switches (button device) works.
observing of hue devices also works.
(New dimmlevel send to echo.)
Only set new values for dimmdevices isn’t working.
(On/off/dim)08:06:24.148 [pimatic-echo] debug: changing state for Wozi: {} SyntaxError: Unexpected token u at Object.parse (native) at Object.dimmers.(anonymous function).changeState (/opt/ecasa/node_modules/pimatic-echo/echo.coffee:78 32) at /opt/ecasa/node_modules/pimatic-echo/echo.coffee:302:27 at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/opt/ecasa/node_modules/pimatic-echo/node_modules/express/lib/rout r/layer.js:95:5) at next (/opt/ecasa/node_modules/pimatic-echo/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:137:13)
last lines from the incoming message…body is emty
09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> _consuming: true, 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> _httpMessage: [Circular] }, 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> _header: null, 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> _headers: { 'x-powered-by': 'Express' }, 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> _headerNames: { 'x-powered-by': 'X-Powered-By' }, 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> _onPendingData: [Function: updateOutgoingData], 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> req: [Circular], 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> locals: {} }, 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> body: {}, 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> route: 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> Route { 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> path: '/api/:userid/lights/:id/state', 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> stack: [ [Object] ], 09:08:44.218 [pimatic-echo] debug:> methods: { put: true } } } 09:08:44.248 [pimatic-echo] debug: changing state for Wozi: {}
@kosta Please try the latest version. The error should be gone. Are you using the new echo? Would be great if I get feedback for this, too.
pimatic-hap - pimatic HomeKit bridge
pimatic-echo - Amazon echo integration
pimatic-dash-button - Amazon dash button support
pimatic-alarm - pimatic alarm system
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I cloned the latest master to my raspberry. The plugin gets activated, but not loaded. Is it correct, that now the IP and mac is part of the plugin config?
@ortin IP address and MAC can be optionally configured, yes. If you are using multiple network interfaces and piratic-echo chooses the wrong one.
Do you have some more information what exactly is not working. “Not loaded” is a little small
pimatic-hap - pimatic HomeKit bridge
pimatic-echo - Amazon echo integration
pimatic-dash-button - Amazon dash button support
pimatic-alarm - pimatic alarm system
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For me the version works. The problem is away. Bulbs and heaters are switch and dimmable.
I have only a echo dot first generation -
I mean the state in the plugin overview. I can see the plugin is activated, but not in state loaded. Witt the official version the plugin get loaded as usual.
Due to the not loaded plugin I’m not able to activate “echo” for any device, even it is already part of the config. At pimatic startup many errors are shown in the log.error: Invalid config of device "garagentorkontakt-links": Property "echo" is not a valid property
@ortin thats not an error, please read https://forum.pimatic.org/topic/3284/how-to-get-echo-to-valid-property/19
pimatic-hap - pimatic HomeKit bridge
pimatic-echo - Amazon echo integration
pimatic-dash-button - Amazon dash button support
pimatic-alarm - pimatic alarm system
Like my work? Then consider a donation
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pimatic-hap - pimatic HomeKit bridge
pimatic-echo - Amazon echo integration
pimatic-dash-button - Amazon dash button support
pimatic-alarm - pimatic alarm system
Like my work? Then consider a donation
Follow me: https://twitter.com/michaelkotten -
What is the response when you try to dim a lamp to 0 or 100%?
What du you mean? Alexa says “OK” and the lamp where dimmed.
Same here
pimatic-hap - pimatic HomeKit bridge
pimatic-echo - Amazon echo integration
pimatic-dash-button - Amazon dash button support
pimatic-alarm - pimatic alarm system
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Okay. 0 and 100 does not work for my Echo 2nd gen. I can dim between 1 and 99.
@ortin said in [pimatic-echo] Control your pimatic devices using Amazon's echo:
I can dim between 1 and 99.
Whats happens when you say 0 or 100?
pimatic-hap - pimatic HomeKit bridge
pimatic-echo - Amazon echo integration
pimatic-dash-button - Amazon dash button support
pimatic-alarm - pimatic alarm system
Like my work? Then consider a donation
Follow me: https://twitter.com/michaelkotten -
@michbeck100: Value is out of range. See here.
BTW: I got an Echo 1st gen., since this is in the network everything is okay. When I start a new search the found device type is Lux Light for all. Before it was always Royal Philips Eletronics intelligant Device. This is not able to be dimmed to “0%” or “100%”, but min “1%” and max “99%”. The device type Lux Light can be dimmed from 0% till 100%.
The device type Lux Light can be only operated without any problem when the 1st gen. Echo is present in the network. When I power it off, then the 2nd gen. works, but mostly with negative responses (as I wrote before). Here the port must be set to 80. Is the port set to default the 2nd gen. Echo is not more able to operate anything! Even when I now start the 1st gen. Echo nothing works. Devices must be deleted, and a new search must be started. After that everything works…
It’s really crazy. For me now all is fine. But guys with only one or more 2nd gen. Echo(s) will get responses which must not be true, but it works!
EDIT: Funny is that device Royal Philips Eletronics intelligant can operater my shutters with up and down (rauf/runter). With Lux Light only up (rauf) works. Now I use Royal Philips Eletronics intelligant from the 2nd gen. Echo search result for my shutters and the Lux Light from the 1st gen. Echo search result for the rest. Bad is that it is much work when I have to delete all devices for any reason. Then I have to to the crazy search action once more!