Hi guys,
my HomeDuino analogDimmer does not work properly. The control range of the duty cycle is only 0 to 0.153. See pictur.
The Arduino gets a wrong command.
What am I doing wrong?
Malfunction Homeduino analog dimmer
Hi guys,
my HomeDuino analogDimmer does not work properly. The control range of the duty cycle is only 0 to 0.153. See pictur.
The Arduino gets a wrong command.
What am I doing wrong?
Can anyone tell me why the AnalogoDimmer command from Pimatic to Homeduino only goes from 0 to 39?
thank you
i just created an issue on github so the devs can have a closer look at this.
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pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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@ufelet See aforementioned ticket for details
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