A possibility is to use ssh from your Valley computer to your home computer and set up a tunnel (some tunnels).
So we have two computers: Valley and Home.
On rpi Valley pimatic is installed and listens on port 8080 (for example).
<YOUR_HOME_IP> is the ip-address of your router at home, or in case you have a (free) domain you can also use that domain name.
On computer Valley:
Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
and add GatewayPorts yes
Restart ssh (daemon): sudo service ssh
ssh -nNT -R 8080:localhost:8080 -o ServerAliveInterval=30 <YOUR_HOME_IP>
This will create a tunnel from the Valley computer 8080 to the outside world to your <YOUR_HOME_IP>.
The ServerAliveInterval=30
will give a ping every 30 seconds to keep the connection alive.
And then from your home computer you use <YOUR_HOME_IP>:8080
This should allow it.
There are more HowTo’s but you could read this one or this one or this one.
Or simply google for “reverse ssh tunnel”.
Edit: I did this between 2004 and 2007 when I lived somewhere else and this reminded me of it. I now did it on “theoretical” base and I did not try it.