Hello, is it possible that someone can create a plugin for the holidays? I know I tried it before but I am not able to write it because of the new job. Sorry.
Holiday Plugin
@temp public holidays or school holidays?
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
@mwittig Both would be great like the script in the howto section
I’d like a iCal plugin you can just check if ‘holiday’ is in the agenda for that specific day. And could be used for lots of other stuff too. Thought about this before!
+1 for generic ical/calendar plugin with example for sources of holiday calendars(could be ready made devices which can be found via autodiscovery)
@thex Maybe something like this would be easier: https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-calendar
Not sure how the iCal file reader works but it needs to process a file (uploaded or downloaded via URL?), a google calendar plugin would be much easier to develop.
example: https://github.com/wanasit/google-calendar/blob/master/example/list-example.js
Would be to specific but if it is easier to implement still better than nothing
BTW what about @sweetpi s https://pimatic.org/plugins/pimatic-calendar/ ?
Seems to already do everything needed here…
for German users check this out
the script works very well and i use it for several months nowpimatic v0.9 has been released!
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I know @leader21 but it would be nice to have it as a plugin. So it will be easier to reinstall a broken raspberrypi. But this is just my thought.
ok i see. yes, it would be easier indeed!
pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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+1 for touchup for the ical plugin, you could do so much if this could be working in 0.9 (scheduling of heaters, devices, etc).
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i just found a API for german school holydays and public holydays:
just take a look: https://blog.smartnoob.de/2014/04/15/ferien-feiertag-api-fuer-deutschland/
This is the result of public holydays in Berlin: http://api.smartnoob.de/ferien/v1/feiertage/?bundesland=be&jahr=2017
{"error":0,"jahr":"2017","daten":[{"title":"Neujahr","beginn":1483225200,"ende":1483311600},{"title":"1. Weihnachtsfeiertag","beginn":1514156400,"ende":1514242800},{"title":"Reformationstag","beginn":1509404400,"ende":1509490800},{"title":"Tag der Deutschen Einheit","beginn":1506981600,"ende":1507068000},{"title":"Pfingstmontag","beginn":1496613600,"ende":1496700000},{"title":"Christi Himmelfahrt","beginn":1495663200,"ende":1495749600},{"title":"Tag der Arbeit","beginn":1493589600,"ende":1493676000},{"title":"Ostermontag","beginn":1492380000,"ende":1492466400},{"title":"Karfreitag","beginn":1492120800,"ende":1492207200},{"title":"2. Weihnachtsfeiertag","beginn":1514242800,"ende":1514329200}]}
and this is the result of school holydays: http://api.smartnoob.de/ferien/v1/ferien/?bundesland=BE&jahr=2017
{"error":0,"jahr":"2017","daten":[{"title":"Winterferien 2017 Berlin","beginn":1485730800,"ende":1486249200},{"title":"Osterferien 2017 Berlin","beginn":1491775200,"ende":1492552800},{"title":"Pfingstferien 2017 Berlin","beginn":1495749600,"ende":1495836000},{"title":"Pfingstferien 2017 Berlin","beginn":1496700000,"ende":1497045600},{"title":"Pfingstferien 2017 Berlin","beginn":1495576800,"ende":1495663200},{"title":"Sommerferien 2017 Berlin","beginn":1500501600,"ende":1504303200},{"title":"Herbstferien 2017 Berlin","beginn":1508709600,"ende":1509836400},{"title":"Herbstferien 2017 Berlin","beginn":1506895200,"ende":1506981600},{"title":"Weihnachtsferien 2017 Berlin","beginn":1513810800,"ende":1514934000}]}
i am not a node/cofffee/java programmer, but i think anyone here can use it for a plugin?!
@schmucke said in Holiday Plugin:
i am not a node/cofffee/java programmer, but i think anyone here can use it for a plugin?!
Good catch, but I think pimatic-calendar can provide for this - it is the same data in a different format.
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
How should WE no handle the ical import option?
We could also implement an iCal parser in the holiday plugin. But in my opinion it doesn’t make sense to have the same code twice.
Wouldn’t it be senseful to add the holiday functionality into the calendar plugin? This would only be one additional variable.
sounds reasonable to me!
pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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just dropping this one here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/date-holidays
@thex This package looks very promising.
But as far as I can see, the pimatic-holidays plugin already uses this library https://pimatic.org/plugins/pimatic-holidays/
Okay, now I understand. It’s written by you
I now had a deeper look into the used library. It only knows about national holidays. State specific holidays aren’t included. Right?
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