Hi All,
Is it possible to use debug information in a Rule?
I have the Max plugin running and want to use the debug information in a rule to notify me if there is a connection error or batteries a running low. This is all the information we get from the debug:
{ type: 'Heating Thermostat',
address: '0ddd22',
serial: 'KEQ10168',
name: 'Radiator Tijs',
roomId: 3,
comfortTemperature: 21.5,
ecoTemperature: 16.5,
maxTemperature: 30.5,
minTemperature: 4.5,
temperatureOffset: 3.5,
windowOpenTemperature: 12,
valve: 0,
setpoint: 4.5,
initialized: true,
fromCmd: false,
error: true,
valid: true,
dstActive: true,
gatewayKnown: true,
panelLocked: true,
linkError: false,
battery: 'ok',
mode: 'manu',
actualTemperature: undefined },
I hope you can help me.