Hi, I have a problem somehow with my second ESP. The second ESP sends no data from the DHT22. A relay and a DHT22 is connected to the second ESP. The WiFi is connected. The relay can be turned without problems. The second ESP has the same settings as the first. The first sends the data from DHT22. And pimatic, it receives. Not the second.
ESPimatic does not send, DHT22- Data
"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (http://www.nytimes.com)
using the same gpio as on the first one?
same esp chip? if not, maybe a gpio change will help. or change the dht from the non working to the working esp to exclude a faulty dhtpimatic v0.9 has been released!
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Thanks for the reply.
I have replaced the GPIO, changed the DHT22 - without success.
Then I removed the relay from the settings and the DHT22 has sent the data.
The problem seems to be the combination of DHT and relay. I had noticed that the WebGUI mir shows sometimes closed the arrows, at relays there are not.Example image:
Also the unused GPIO, even if they are not used and not set are seemingly occupied the software.I have tried the GPIO in the settings of the relay to use 5, 6 and 7 (There are only 4 GPIO) and hope to outwit the ESP. But now must I him completely new Flash. He does not start.
Maybe you have an idea?"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (http://www.nytimes.com)
which esp do you use?
i have a wemos d1 mini and use almost all gpio on it without issues.
https://blog.pimatic.org/pool-pump-control-and-balcony-lights/pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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I use the “small”, ESP8266-01, with a maximum of 4 GPIO. And 512kb.Nice blog. And a beautiful illuminated house number.
"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (http://www.nytimes.com)
not sure if espimatic can handle the two additional gpio on the esp01.
usually you are having gpio0 and gpio2.
so you tried with io 1 and 3 i suppose?pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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I use only GPIO 1 and 2. I’ve read that you could use as a GPIO TX and RX. Therefore I tried GPIO 5 to 6 and 7 in the system settings from ESPimatic. To allocate the 4 possible relay contacts.
I haven’t tried GPIO 1 and 3."Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (http://www.nytimes.com)
Now I have the ESP flashed new. Befor I did, did I get the following in the serial monitor (Arduino IDE) as a continuous loop.
Connecting to : ******* ....... Connected to ******* IP address: ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,7) wdt reset load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16 tail 0 chksum 0x42 csum 0x42 ~ld Connecting to :
The simple flashing * .ino has had no success. First, I had to delete the memory with the esptool.
sudo ./esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB1 erase_flash
"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (http://www.nytimes.com)
What GPIO numbers are set available in the GPIO Configuration on ESPimatic ?
Can you post a screenshot of the DHT config and relay config (and perhaps the GPIO config) ?Like my projects and help? Consider donating electroneum etnjwAKGPqF6omQWRmpp9u2BPyVDG9VuyRQjNJ1S8yfBdfR9qeUQ46kRy8KS2CNqbpNLRrsgmNW6F2TMzxmZgPrh6KctrkrYbm
Some other approach : do you see the DHT temmp/humidity values on the root page of the ESPimatic ?
Like my projects and help? Consider donating electroneum etnjwAKGPqF6omQWRmpp9u2BPyVDG9VuyRQjNJ1S8yfBdfR9qeUQ46kRy8KS2CNqbpNLRrsgmNW6F2TMzxmZgPrh6KctrkrYbm
Hi, here are some screnshots. If the relay in the config is active, the temperature of the DHT is gone.
I have used this circuit to connect the relay.
"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (http://www.nytimes.com)
Thanks. So the issue is the DHT is not recognized at all.
The relay is working fine and the DHT is not.The DHT has 4 pins : VSS, Data, NC, GND.
Did you connect the VCC on DHT to VCC and CH_PD on the ESP ? Did you use any resistors between DHT and ESP ?Like my projects and help? Consider donating electroneum etnjwAKGPqF6omQWRmpp9u2BPyVDG9VuyRQjNJ1S8yfBdfR9qeUQ46kRy8KS2CNqbpNLRrsgmNW6F2TMzxmZgPrh6KctrkrYbm
I have connected the ESP like this.
VCC and CH_PD has the bridge.
I have no resistor between ESP and DHT.
So are my connections:
GPIO - DATAIt works fine with my first ESP (without relays).
Should I put a resistor between VCC and DATA? Maybe 10 k?
"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (http://www.nytimes.com)
And if you remove the relay, everything works?
(please explain how you remove the relais, is it by physical removing connections or only removing from config ? )As far as I know you do not need a resistor for a DHT22 (but I don’t have a DHT22 so didn’t test it).
Like my projects and help? Consider donating electroneum etnjwAKGPqF6omQWRmpp9u2BPyVDG9VuyRQjNJ1S8yfBdfR9qeUQ46kRy8KS2CNqbpNLRrsgmNW6F2TMzxmZgPrh6KctrkrYbm
It is enough if I disable the relay in the config. Then I receive data from the DHT."Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (http://www.nytimes.com)
I’ve re-enabled the relay in the config. Funnily enough, I now get the data of the DHT. I was watching it some time and the data is still coming.Something else still boggles me. When I opened the relay1, then the icons show in the root to see view as shown in the picture.
R1 - open
R2 - closed
R3 - closed
R4 - closed
When I plug the relay1, all relay change their status.
R1 - closed
R2 - open
R3 - open
R4 - openA GPIO is assigned to only the first relay in config.
It may be that the software of relay settings appeals to all GPIO? And that therefore this error with the DHT is?"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (http://www.nytimes.com)
Little test : can you set GPIO4 and GPIO5 as available in the GPIO config?
Besides I don’t have a DHT or ESP-01 I can’t reproduce your relay issue with a ESP that only has 2 relays.Like my projects and help? Consider donating electroneum etnjwAKGPqF6omQWRmpp9u2BPyVDG9VuyRQjNJ1S8yfBdfR9qeUQ46kRy8KS2CNqbpNLRrsgmNW6F2TMzxmZgPrh6KctrkrYbm
Also : could you try a Reset from the Configure -> System menu ? This will reset ALL settings on the ESP, including wifi!!
Bu this will make sure everything stored in the EEPROM is deleted. Just curious id this would solve the issue.Like my projects and help? Consider donating electroneum etnjwAKGPqF6omQWRmpp9u2BPyVDG9VuyRQjNJ1S8yfBdfR9qeUQ46kRy8KS2CNqbpNLRrsgmNW6F2TMzxmZgPrh6KctrkrYbm
Hello, sorry for my late reply. I had already configured GPIO 5 some time ago with success of a bootloop of ESP. (The ESP 01 has only 4 GPIO)
But now the ESP with relay and DHT works fine for over a week.
powered by pimatic and ESP
Just stupid if you don’t know what problem it was. I can’t even say why, I have nothing changed on the building.
"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (http://www.nytimes.com)
hehe! that’s a really nice example of what you can do with pimatic / espimatic
glad to hear that it works nowpimatic v0.9 has been released!
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