does pimatic support 1-wire IO chip ds2408?
If yes, how can I implemet it? Which plugin is needed?
1wire IO ds2408
does pimatic support 1-wire IO chip ds2408?
If yes, how can I implemet it? Which plugin is needed?
@rkl said in 1wire IO ds2408:
does pimatic support 1-wire IO chip ds2408?
I think it should be supported via pimatic-mysensors if you’re familiar with MySensors. Maybe @Oitzu can comment on this.
It is also supported by pimatic-unipi, but this is only sensible if you have an UniPi board. Beyound this pimatic supports DS18B20 one wire sensor via pimatic-ds18b20. This plugin may serve as baseline to implement a driver for ds2408 (yes I know it is different type of device, you basically get the onewire integration).
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@rkl Hey, I have recently used owfs. This software can DS2405.
You must have a Bus Controller. I use ds2482-100 (i2c ver.).
Then it should work writing directly to OWFS, as well as the normal filesystem. With the plugin pimatic-shell-execute and Pimatic rules system.
Just an idea
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