since a few days I’m playing around with a iBeacon (a bluetooth low energy device with distance measuring)
These thing are cheap, small and their battery last very long.
They can be placed nearly everywhere to act via bluetooth if now wifi available.
For example place one in your car and when coming home the garage door will be opened
or put it on the dog’s leach / collar to check the dogs presence.
I’ve found a script (based on this one click and changed it a bit, output will now be the iBeacon ID only ibeacon_scan.sh
./ibeacon_scan.sh -b
beacon ID 3X76723-X400-0X00-FXFF-000XFFFF0005
Its based on the usage of hcitool and hcidump
For my implementation it is not needed to calculate the distance, but if anyone needs it, this could be achieved with the script too (without -b). Presence detection is what I try to achieve.
Unfortunately I’m not a programmer, working with scripts is no problem but I’m not able to write a pimatic plugin.
Right now I’m checking if the script and the output can be used with pimatic-cron and piratic-shell-execute
Don’t know, if that can help pimaitc-ble the dev did not respond to my question, how to use it.
If there is now distance calculation needed, you can use a standard bluetooth LE device for presence checks.
Nearly every bluetooth 4.x device can be queried for presence. iBeacons are a good point to start, cause the are cheap and available. Even an iOS device can be a iBeacon (for testing -> AppStore Link)
Is there someone out there how wants to help, has some time and wants to develop such a plugin?
Or am I the only one who thinks this would be a cool feature?
I can help with providing data, testing and linux (hcitool, gattool, hcidump…)
regards ben