Hi, I searched for a way to connect pimatic with tasker. I wanted to execute a task from a pimatic rule.
Here is a little example why I do want to trigger tasks from pimatic:
I want to control my TV volume with the volume keys on my smartphone (only if TV is present)(tasker remaps the volume buttons)
So I added a ping device for my TV (with an ethernet port).
I created two rule like this:
if toshiba1 is present and $toshiba-state is “absent” then push message:“ToshStateOn” type:“note” and set $toshiba-state to “present”
if toshiba1 is absent for 5 minutes and $toshiba-state is “present” then push message:“ToshStateOff” type:“note” and set $toshiba-state to “absent”
Now I created two new profiles in tasker and added my tasks to remap the volume keys:
Navigate to Event-Plugin-Pushbullet-Config
There you can set ‘Filters’ (in my case ‘ToshStateOn’ and ‘ToshStateOff’).
At least I set the delete option at the bottom. With that the push only pops up a second and deletes itself. (So I don’t get spammed too much by these messages)
And that’s it. Now if you receive a push with the text set in your filter, tasker will execute the connected task (and delete the push if set).
I have a few more use cases for that. (don’t want to mention them all, would take too much time here)
I know that there is a way to read values directly over the api, but then you have to run the task repeadly to get changes.
With pushbullet I get changes nearly instantly (instead of run a getVar script every few minutes)
I hope some people find this useful, if so, please tell what you used this for!
If someone knows a better way to do that (without using pushbullet or similiar app, please tell us