it looks like my feature request for Sonos Integration (http://forum.pimatic.org/topic/15/integration-with-sonos) didn’t get that much attention.
Since I’m still unable to implement this myself by means of developing a plugin, I figured that I might be able to use node-sonos-http-api (https://github.com/jishi/node-sonos-http-api) and then call these URLs from inside pimatic. What node-sonos-http-api api does is the following: It creates a webserver with URLs for certain actions. One example would be http://localhost:5005/living room/volume/15
- I guess it’s self-explanatory what this URL does.
Now here’s my question: Is there a way to create a button inside pimatic which sends a request to a predefined URL once I click on it? This would make it easy for me to control my Sonos sytem without learning CoffeeScript etc.