But can’t figure out what’s wrong
I have the following in Pimatic:
- $probe-woonkamer is e temperature deivce that get’s new value every 1 minute
- $OldTemp is variable thet changes every 6 minutes, it is set to the current $probe-woonkamer.temperature value
- $BenedenWarmtOp is a boolean variable : 0 means the living room temp is not increasing, 1 means the living room is increasing (I use this for some rules)
Problem : I have changed the resolution of my temperature sensor, so it only uses 0.25 degree changes. This can result in no temperature change for a long time (because the it stays within the 0.25 margin). Pimatic will get the same value for a long time. If the last temperature change triggered a rule to set $BenedenWarmtOp to 1 it will stay on that value for a long time (the $BenedenWarmtOp is only changed on increase or decrease , not when it is the same over and over).
I created these rules:
Store old temperature every 6 minutes
IF every 6 minutes THEN $OldTemp = $probe-woonkamer.temperature
If current temperature equals Old Temperature for 5 minutes, then set $BenedenWarmtOp to 0
IF trigger: $probe-woonkamer.temperature gets updated and $OldTemp = $probe-woonkamer.temperature for 5 minutes THEN $BenedenWarmtOp = 0
Somehow the last rule never sees to get activated. I am sure I’m getting same values over and over. For debugging I ave lowered it to 2 minutes. I’m not seeing something, but can’t see what’s wrong.