It would be nice if you could connect a Arduino NANO to two or three times your Raspberry Pi
Come in and output ports too short
Wow, Louis van Gaal uses pimatic!
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If I understand correctly: you want to connect two or three Arduino NANO’s to a Raspberry Pi to add more GPIO?
I think this should be possible with a USB-hub. Mind that your USB device setting (“serialDevice”: “/dev/ttyUSB0”) has to be changed for the second/third Arduino (ttyUSB1/ttyUSB2). Another, probably more elegant solution would be to use an Arduino MEGA board as it has a lot more GPIO and Rx/Tx serial pairs. -
Raspberry Pi Model B+ now have 4 USB 2.0 ports, compared to 2 on the Model B
pimatic-homeduino Plugin adjusting seems to me the simplestSee example below
FOR USB port 1
“plugin”: “homeduino”,
“driver”: “serialport”,
“driverOptions”: {
“serialDevice”: “/dev/ttyUSB0”,
“baudrate”: 115200
“receiverPin”: 0,
“transmitterPin”: 4,
“dstSearchAddressPin”: 12
“id”: “pin-switch”,
“name”: “Pin Switch”,
“class”: “HomeduinoSwitch”,
“inverted”: false,
“pin”: 13
}FOR USB port 2
“plugin”: “homeduino_2”,
“driver”: “serialport”,
“driverOptions”: {
“serialDevice”: “/dev/ttyUSB1”,
“baudrate”: 115200
“receiverPin”: 0,
“transmitterPin”: 4,
“dstSearchAddressPin”: 12
“id”: “pin-switch_2”,
“name”: “Pin 13 NANO 2”,
“class”: “HomeduinoSwitch_2”,
“inverted”: false,
“pin”: 13
}FOR USB port 3
“plugin”: “homeduino_3”,
“driver”: “serialport”,
“driverOptions”: {
“serialDevice”: “/dev/ttyUSB2”,
“baudrate”: 115200
“receiverPin”: 0,
“transmitterPin”: 4,
“dstSearchAddressPin”: 12
“id”: “pin-switch_3”,
“name”: “Pin 13 NANO 3”,
“class”: “HomeduinoSwitch_3”,
“inverted”: false,
“pin”: 13
} -
@WimUitTwente what do you want to achieve? Using multiple homeduinos each with transmitter and receiver seems useless to me, as they will all receive the same 433Mhz signals. If you try to get more GPIOs you could start using not only PIN13, but all the others on your Nano (D5-D12). If thats not enough the idea of @Rene-Arts with using a Arduino MEGA (is homeduino possible on that?) might be good.
So best thing for further help might be to know how you want to use it. -
Not only pin 13 as shown in this example, but all the input and output that are possible.
Using receiving other receivers on other frequencies.
If you are connecting to two different receivers port D2 and D3 work only one of.
Each NANO should if necessary modified software to be loaded.
The intention is to control, in any case more common in and outputs, and not only wireless,
The Nano is pretty small and is now very cheap.